The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards that represent universal symbols or archetypes. The images in the Tarot seem to speak to people regardless of their age, background, or religious beliefs. The Tarot is powerful and sacred. It’s almost as if you are looking at the collective experience of humanity illustrated in 78 images. The cards in the Tarot are divided into 2 main groupings: The Major Arcana (22 cards) and The Minor Arcana (56 cards). The Minor Arcana is further divided into 4 Suits: Swords, Wands, Cups, and Pentacles. You may recognize these 4 suits if you pull out a modern set of playing cards and behold the spades, clubs, hearts, and diamonds! Below you will find information on the Major and Minor Arcana, as well as individual Tarot card definitions. The cards shown below are from my own hand-made Tarot decks: The Laughing Eye Weeping Eye /LEYE WEYE Tarot (left), and the Unicorns of the Universe Tarot (right). The card definitions are consistent with traditional Tarot meanings, but are filtered through my own lens.
The Major Arcana
The Major Arcana cards consist of 22 cards. Arcana originates from the word Arcane, which means secret. So. the Major Arcana cards represent major secrets or ways to triumph. While the rest of the Tarot cards (the Minor Arcana) present us with situations and our day-to-day circumstances, the Major Arcana presents us with ways of being in the world. The Major Arcana cards show us where we stand as we face the challenges and situations (in the Minor Arcana) surrounding us. Symbolically, the Major Arcana represents the element of SPIRIT (cards of the soul), while the Minor Arcana cards represents the elements EARTH, AIR, WATER, and FIRE (basic elemental energies). Below are my interpretations of the Major Arcana cards, which are derived from traditional associations.
The Fool
Element: Air
Planet: Uranus
New Beginning
To The Fool, life is an open book. Nothing has boundaries, divisions, or limits. A world without limits can either be a wonderful thing or a total disaster.
On the wonderful side, The Fool’s reality brings freedom. You can travel unhindered, soaking in the landscape and marveling at a world of possibility. You’re allowed to reinvent your persona. You can dabble in a smattering of life paths and explore your potential. You can fall off of that great cliff into love. So, The Fool can encourage a leap into the abyss of the unknown road and ask you to laugh along the way.
On the disaster side of things, The Fool can indicate that you’re about to leap into a big sea of regrets. Are you acting impulsively? Are you flinging yourself headfirst into a tsunami? The Fool can warn that you’re about to involve yourself in folly. Or, that you need to slow down and reconsider your decision.
To know which side of The Fool is presenting, take note of its placement. A reversal would indicate that it’s not time to jump. If The Fool is outnumbered by cards that are logical and moderately leaning, then your answer is to stay put, reconsider, or wait until you have more news or information before making a decision.
Ultimately though, most often The Fool’s story is one of possibility. What happens when you see your world without limits?
Welcome the unknown and the new–unless your impulses tend towards swamp town. The Fool encourages a leap into clear water; avoid dives that muddy the spirit.
The Magician
Number: 1
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Will Power
The Magician is a call to do something and to do it now. It’s time to Will something into being, to become the alchemist and mix the fine stuff of your life together into one brand new mystical potion. And then take a drink.
The Magician is the first numbered card in the Major Arcana (and the entire tarot deck!), and as such it’s the first step. Following the carefree Fool, The Magician is the first semblance of something concrete. Although you won’t feel fully planted on that cement quite yet. You might feel that you’re “conjuring” something up for yourself or the masses (like the stage magician), which brings some discomfort. But that’s part of the act! You concoct and swallow down the elixir, and wait for it to work its magic.
And the magic will work, but you have to believe. You might not have a solid plan, but you do have a solid intention. So start there. A shark has to stay in motion in order to stay alive. Not that you’re a shark, but you get what I mean–maybe? Just get rollin’! Momentum is everything!
On a more literal read, this card can indicate an interest in stage performance, alchemy, being a sage or wizard, acting, or doing something that requires an audience.
This card can also indicate a smoke and mirrors vibe. When drawn about someone in question, the do-it-now, illusory qualities of The Magician can be a warning that all is not as it seems. I am thinking of a new romance who love bombs you in the first week; you’re reeled in and caught in their spindly, manipulating clutches. Look to surrounding cards and listen to your gut to confirm if your Magician is a forthcoming (or now present) trickster in your life.
The High Priestess
Number: 2
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Owls have long been thought to be connected to women’s powers, or to the spirit of the witch. Seeing in the dark with large glowing eyes, owls are mysterious and their talons, beaks, and feathers appear to us as ancient and arcane. Most dinosaurs were birds!
The High Priestess is the receptive psychic, the one who sees into the dark and into the psyche. With their sharp eyes, they see beyond the veil, accessing realms and information not seen through normal means. So, The High Priestess can be a call to develop or use your sixth sense. You might be a witch or sage, or feel called towards a transcendental path.
If it’s helpful, you can turn to religious or sacred texts to learn more about the otherworld or planes you’re accessing. The High Priestess represents a readiness to study the great mysteries.
On a more mundane read, The High Priestess is a call to sit still and hold tight. It would advise inaction. You’ll find more if you meditate on the matter at hand and wait.
Regarding a situation, prepare for things to be slow or not moving at all. The High Priestess is watchful and quite literally in the wings, watching and waiting for the right time to act.
The High Priestess has a mystical meaning, but it can also simply remind you that you have strong intuition. So use it. You’ve got a powerful gut and glowing eyes to see through the deep and moonlit space you’re in.
The Empress
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus
All things green come from the Empress. Their energy is one of abundance and potential. They are the spirit of growth, which comes out of the earth, the womb, and the creative spirit.
A love of the planet and respect for nature also makes the Empress a wonderful environmentalist. You might be called to work with the earth as an ecologist, activist, agriculturist, or steward.
The Empress is sensual and physical; this card can signify the need to enjoy and care for your body. Indulging, sexing, eating well, and embracing pleasure is where the Empress shines.
The Empress also takes pleasure in creating. The gifts they share with the world impact their community and unite people in a shared vision. The Empress empowers others in a nurturing way, and as such, they make great leaders.
You might birth an idea, guide your community, or connect with people in a way that is personal as well as neighborly.
Many think of the Empress as the pregnancy card. You could be starting a family, or creating your chosen family by way of friendships and connections.
The Empress represents joy, potential, and connection. Embrace the energy of growth.
The Emperor
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Aries
Whenever the Emperor is around, you know that things will get done the right way. Ruled by headstrong Aries and the active element Fire, the Emperor represents achievement through structure, planning, organization, and authority. It’s time to get a bit more methodical.
The Emperor believes in order, but that doesn’t mean they’re uncaring. The Emperor is firm, yet fatherly. The rules you create for yourself or others stress fairness and equality. A systematic approach brings balance.
The Emperor can be connected to status and power. You might be getting a raise, promotion, or finding greater recognition. Your mastery leads to some kind of gain, a boon to embrace. Your leadership abilities are rewarded.
Sometimes the Emperor’s need for control becomes his downfall. You could be obsessively fixated on domination or power. The Emperor encourages you to be the authority, without losing yourself in their sovereign–and sometimes stubborn–reign. Your challenge will be to not let perfectionism run the show.
The Hierophant

Number: 5
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Taurus
Belief Structures
The Hierophant is a religious figure who acts as an intermediary between the Divine and the people. Think of this as the Pope, Shaman, or Elder of the clan.
You could be pursuing a holy path or connecting with a community that follows a set of core beliefs. This card can be a call to think about your spirituality and connect with like-minded people. Or, maybe it’s time to seek out a mentor. If you’re feeling a lack of connection spiritually, you might need to seek out folks that share your tenets.
This card can also be similar to the Justice card. You could be looking at your ethics in a spiritual way, rethinking the framework for how you make decisions. You might recognize that you’re surrounded by amoral clowns, or by people that don’t share your values.
In a romantic relationship, maybe you want marriage when the other person doesn’t. What do you believe in and value, and how does that dictate your choices in all matters? The Hierophant can be a wake-up call to listen to your divine code.
The traditional Rider-Waite Smith deck shows the Hierophant as the Pope. So, this card can especially indicate a connection to Christian beliefs, or more formally, the Roman principles Western Society was founded on.
Some, like myself, find these principles and systems too patriarchal. Our systems, corporations, and our financial structures descend from a lineage of white men in power. Are you working within these frameworks to a tune of woe? The Hierophant can be a call to rebel against the system.
Whatever way you spin it, The Hierophant asks you to know what you believe in and arrange your life accordingly. Belief is a powerful thing.
The Lovers
Element: Air
Zodiac: Gemini
Here we have the power of two. Together or separate? That is the question.
Two faces offer us union. This togetherness–or separateness–can apply to different facets of your life. You might be wondering if a new flame is the right match. The passion is there, but are they grounded and do they share the same goals? So much of lasting love is practical. But maybe practical’s not your thing. It all depends on what you want.
Generally this card bodes well for romance, although it can be a sweep you off your feet situation. Feel’s great until the fire burns out of control. I always advise caution with courting a new lover(s) when this card appears. It could turn out great, or it could get ouchy melty. Look to any surrounding cards and trust your intuition. Is there someone new? Are you seeing red flags?
The union of faces can represent combining different aspects of your life, or alternatively branching off. Two areas of interest might prove to be mutually beneficial. You might be juggling two jobs, or find yourself wearing different faces. Does one feel dysmorphic? This card might be encouraging you to get deeper into your identity.
The Lovers is a call to combine what’s helpful, or ditch what’s cumbersome. The duality of this card says you have a choice. In order to make this decision, ask: what and who am I passionate about? What is truly ME?
The Chariot
Element: Water
Zodiac: Cancer
Your Chariot awaits, but where will it take you? You can go anywhere you’d like.
Victory is yours for the taking, but you have to be willing to get clear with your intentions. It’s time to plan. Where you do start? What areas do you travel through? Where do you end up? You don’t have to have everything figured out yet, but you’ll need a map of the terrain. The Chariot is a call to create the strategy for your journey.
The Chariot is the push to get up and go. Your dreams are reachable, and now they require you to fully invest in their undertaking. Now is the time to push forward ceremoniously.
The Chariot doesn’t wait around for folks. They’re on the business bus (or on a serpent horse, in the case of the Laughing Eye Weeping Eye tarot!), meeting up with colleagues to get a leg up, collaborate, or make connections that help them realize their plans. You might need to get others on your bandwagon. You can only do that if you put yourself out there.
If this card is drawn in a personal context, it’s a reminder to stick to your relationship goals and your needs. Know what you want and deserve, and don’t veer off course. To do so would see your chariot driving in reverse.
Other meanings equate this card with vehicles. This card could indicate a connection with the automotive industry or travel. You might also be a nomad or rethinking where home is.
The energy of The Chariot is willful, positive, and deliberate. Embrace the doing mindset and know that success is coming.
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Leo
Sometimes life is unfair, complex, and wearisome. We all experience burdens and hardships.
Strength is the testing of your limits, the need to muscle through what feels impassable. This card encourages a steely resolve and focus.
The stress may be in a multitude of areas. You might be dealing with an impossible work situation or a loathsome boss. Your partner(s) may be dealing with setbacks, your relationship(s) struggling, or your love life may feel like a void. You might be stuck, unable to proceed with your goals or circumstances.
Strength is the ability to triumph through these darker periods, to forge on through life’s valleys. Now is the time to find the courage and will to survive.
While you need unwavering muscularity to power through, you’re also faced with the paradoxical task of carrying a delicate demeanor. Declaring mutiny aboard the ship you’re on is not advised right now. Strength says you have to play nice, until danger passes.
The excellent news with Strength is that it generally predicts a fortuitous outcome if you can hold on a bit longer. Patience, persistence, and hope will lead you out of the torrential and, eventually, back towards clear skies. But it’s going to take time.
Occasionally I see this card come up with temptation. You might know someone or something is dangerous, yet find yourself compelled toward it or them anyways. You might need to set boundaries and proceed with caution.
Strength encourages us to be tenacious through the tempest and to know that life’s valleys don’t go on forever.Back to top/Major Arcana
The Hermit
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgo
A Hermit crab wanders from water onto land. They’ve outgrown their shell and are looking for a new one to scuttle into.
The Hermit is the search for home, but in your own skin, home is where you are. And where are you, exactly? The Hermit is a call to know the workings of your spirit so that you can see where it stands.
It’s time to journey in to find out. What are your longings? Dreams and aspirations? Needs? What do you feel, and why do you feel it? The Hermit is a call to search your spirit for answers.
The soul-searching you need requires stillness. The Hermit does this best without distraction. In their shell, they can hear the sound of their voice, feel their movement, and map out their journey. You might withdraw or go into introvert mode while your spirit reflects.
The Hermit is a spiritual seeker, choosing religion, philosophy, or mysticism to try and unlock the greater mysteries of life. The Hermit sees their spirit as a cosmic mirror. They’re fascinated by the riddle of existence; they want to know the meaning and purpose behind this mortal coil. Drawing this card could be a call towards a transcendental path.
The Hermit searches the celestial to understand the earthly. They seek the mysteries of the universe for self-awareness but can also share what they learn with the collective.
They do this quietly and without fanfare. The Hermit shares their wisdom only when sought out and tends to lead through a reserved framework. For example, the Hermit might write a book, create art, or lead a small retreat in the woods. The Hermit archetype might call you to serve humanity from a ruminative and secretive place.
The Hermit might also help you slow down, listen, and take a break from whatever’s been running you down or keeping you occupied. It’s time to recharge.
You might see this card as isolation and retreat. Maybe you’ve gone too far in. If you find yourself disconnecting and disassociating, the Hermit encourages you to bring yourself out.
Wheel of Fortune
Element: Fire
Planet: Jupiter
When I think of this card, this proverb stands out: If you don’t like how things are going, don’t worry. They’ll change. If you like how things are going, don’t worry. They’ll change. If you’re working with the Wheel, life’s flow is taking you somewhere. Surrender to it.
Often this card precipitates a positive change, and most likely an unexpected one. An opportunity falls in your lap. A soul mate appears. A move you’ve been wanting to happen is suddenly possible. The Wheel of Fortune encourages you to be open minded and receptive to what appears. It can also encourage a more positive, receptive mindset. The Universe can’t bring gifts if you don’t open your arms.
It’s often said that this card brings karma back to your side, sometimes after a difficult period. So, the light at the end of the tunnel is here. Or on its way.
The Wheel’s good side can also be its dark side: it is unpredictability. The Wheel of Fortune could see you all over the place, distracted, or without a plan. Maybe you’re just disorganized. This card can be a call to get your wheels aligned.
Whatever way you read it, the Wheel’s energy is that of change and movement, whether brought on by karma, fate, or happenstance.
Element: Air
Zodiac: Libra
Justice is so many things. It’s personal. It’s political. It’s subjective. Justice is the backdrop of your morals with life as the stage, and you gotta judge the cast up on the stand.
Justice is a call to hold to your truth, to measure what is right and wrong in your eyes. This might boil down to a decision, or a new sense of awareness that all isn’t as it should be in your personal life. Someone or something isn’t living up to your ethical code, and you’ve got to make a choice, set boundaries, or call out bad manners. Justice is the act of setting the scales straight.
Your principles may also relate to career choices or other matters. Faced with corruption, you’re forced to look at your virtues and either compromise or call out the shady stuff. Your choice may depend on what you can and can’t control, and how much your well-being is at risk. Finances might also be involved.
This card can relate to the political and justice system. You might be standing up for causes that matter to you, or making your way through the court systems. You could be facing litigation, finding your way through laws and legalities, or otherwise dealing with matters that require checking all the boxes and crossing all the T’s. Justice can be process-oriented and nit-picky. You’re advised to do things by the book.
Mostly this card speaks on a personal level. Are the scales balanced, or tipped to one side? Observe the weight on each side and take steps to even them out.
The Hanged Man
Element: Water
Planet: Neptune
When faced with too many choices, when overwhelmed, or when you feel like you’re pushing against what doesn’t seem to change, the Hanged Man encourages acquiescence. Give yourself over to the forces of the Universe. Things will take their natural course.
The bat is a nocturnal creature. They represent a period of darkness or uncertainty that, in time, brings you into daylight and clarity; trust the process.
The hanging-bat image also eludes to the sacrificial God archetype. Deities like Jesus, Odin, and the Green Man all relinquish their lives and bodies in order to benefit humanity. They are rewarded with divine wisdom: their sacrifice leads to their rebirth.
Like this archetype, you may be undergoing a period of darkness. You are relinquishing control and giving yourself over to a path that’s challenging and unclear. In time you’re rewarded with illumination, and new passages appear before you.
The Hanged Man can also suggest complacency. Much depends on the surrounding cards and the energy carried by the Seeker. Are you giving way to the Universe’s hold-on-and-wait, or are you just plain stuck and in denial and refusing to take action? The Hanged Man asks you to know the difference between lucidity and retraction.
Element: Water
Planet: Scorpio
New Beginning
Death is the uncomfortable in-between. Something ends so that something can begin. And in that process, there’s a whole lotta mess. Death asks you to embrace the darkness, fear, and uncertainty that comes with change.
People, life paths, or even identities shift; what is no longer working in your life must be severed or transformed. You are asked to trust the process, to stand by your decisions and judgments, and to know that you will cross the unknown into something better.
Ironically, to stay the same is to die. In tarot, Death is the hope for new life, for the soul and spirit to rise again. To avoid Death is to become a ghost, stuck between worlds. This card asks you to move into the new world, the next place your spirit and life needs you to be.
Number: 14
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Temperance is the refilling of what’s empty. You are asked to balance energies on all levels, noticing where your life source is depleted. When Temperance arrives, it’s time to ask this basic question: Am I taking care of myself? What gets in the way of this, and why?
Life can only be lived if one is well. It’s time to focus on working less, eating better, and tending to your spiritual and physical bodies. To make choices that put your health first. Failure to do so can result in exhaustion, burnout, addiction, and a general feeling of emptiness.
Often Temperance arrives when you’re already at that breaking point, or about to be. Heed its call, or suffer the consequences. Serious, I know! But what could be more important than your health?
Temperance is not just about changing your lifestyle, but looking at why you’re coming in last. Evaluate your self-martyrdom.
The Devil
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Capricorn
All tarot cards have aspects of both positive and negative. So, before you run screaming for the hills ‘cause you saw the Devil card, let’s invite in their positivity. Yes, positivity. The Devil is materiality, attachment, and pleasure unhindered. You’re working with Devil energy when you throw an expensive party, get super drunk at it, and have amazing sex with the person you’ve been hard core crushing over (they came to the party. Yay you!).
You’re working with the Devil when materiality comes into focus. Money and power are at the forefront. You might be demanding a raise, or upscaling your business and raising prices. On a personal or professional level, power and influence come into play. You have to know the right people, be confident as hell, and dominate the scene to get what you want. The chains on this card are a damn wealthy necklace and you’re cashing in.
This card corresponds with Capricorn, the hard working goat in the zodiac. Goaty Capricorns are extremely determined, and at times relentless in their pursuits. They say the devil is in the details, and well – that’s totally true for these folks. The Devil pushes hard, and the Goat Folks can sometimes get discouraged when things don’t go their way. So, even if you’re not a Capricorn, these qualities can apply. It’s a great card for money and power.
The seeking of money and power, does of course, have its dark side. The Devil’s pleasure-seeking can become bondage (and by the way, this card can also literally be related to Sex or Kink work). As the Devil favors desire over judgement, you might be addicted to pleasure at the expense of yourself. You’re madly in love with someone abusive. You’re drinking to excess or using. You’re obsessed with money and control; the attainment of materiality comes at the expense of yourself. You are beholden to chains that promise happiness but subjugate instead.
Materiality and gratification aren’t the Devil’s only vice. The Devil’s chains can also represent fear, despondency, depression, sadness, or barriers that keep you from yourself or your dreams. The Devil can be a call to rise up against your inner demons, to get help, and to see that you do have a choice. You’re only stuck if you choose to be.
The Tower

Number: 16
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Mars
The Tower is about a sudden change of events that leaves you standing exposed and uncertain. The drastic turn may have happened unexpectedly, or, finally boiled up after simmering in the background of your life, unnoticed or perhaps avoided.
Now you’re faced with the aftermath. How do you pick up the pieces of what’s broken or lost? With a Tower event, you’re charged with rebuilding from the ground up. It’s important to reflect on what’s shifted and why. As you begin to gather the broken pieces and survey the damage, you’ll start forming a new picture of yourself and your life. This helps you slowly construct something more fitting of your spirit. The Tower is the teacher of personal evolution.
This card can also be literal and indicate problems with a building, construction project, or house. There might be challenges or setbacks. Proceed with caution and consider all angles, details, and options.
Ultimately, The Tower represents release but in a jarring and often frightening way. What you’ve viewed as a shield from harm is now seen for what it is: a barrier to your happiness.
Now is the time to break away from personal patterns or circumstances that keep your spirit bound up and hidden from its truth and power. Expect the liberation to be wonderful but not easily obtained. Because what in life, is easy?
The Star
Element: Air
Zodiac: Aquarius
The art for this card was inspired by Rachel Pollack’s interpretation of this card. She describes the stars as an ancient wonder, but also a practical navigational guide. The stars were our earliest maps.
As such, my rendering of The Star is a compass and also a wheel. The nautical feeling of this card brings a sense of a healing journey. The wheel connects to a boat, passing over the ocean while watching the celestial bodies.
Healing can be inspiring, and inspiration can be healing. Explore things that activate your spirit with the caveat that they also heal your body. The connection you make between the body and the soul opens up the door.
The Moon
Element: Water
Zodiac: Pisces
The Moon is the dark side, the inside, and the underneath. It’s the side not easily seen. The Moon has been worshipped since the beginning of time, for its soft and strange glow. It’s ability to shape-shift, disappear, and change hues has long fascinated us. The Moon is a mystical oracle.
It’s no surprise, then, that it’s connected to cyclical thinking and intuition. The Moon is a talisman of the psychic. You are asked to trust your intuition, to embrace your sixth sense, or pursue esoteric pathways. Psychologically, the Moon brings you deep into your psyche, where you confront what is shadowy or frightening. In the Laughing Eye Weeping Eye Tarot, even the wild and fearsome wolf is scared of its reflection. Look to what hides in the corners of your mind.
The Sun
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
The Sun is a big fireball in the sky that gives life. It photosynthesizes. It makes the world visible and viable for all creatures. As such, the Sun represents sustenance and being. You are called to externalize your spirit, help your body thrive, and beam your light rays out into the world. As you do this, seeds of all shapes and beings of all sizes grow in accordance with your light. The Sun encourages you to radiate your life force in the outermost way and to reap the rewards of what flourishes around you.
The Sun card works in tandem with card XIII, the Moon. It can be helpful to examine those cards together. The Moon represents receptive energies, the exploration of our feelings, and the probing of the hidden realm. Moon is Shadow. In contrast, The Sun is action, propelled by the work done in shadowed spaces (moon realm). The Sun is the movement away from the inner world, and the bringing of its wisdom to light.
In early or classic versions of the Sun card, the imagery depicts a smiling infant boy with an adult head. How medieval! This suggests rebirth, or the mythos of the dying God, who is reborn in the Spring with the returning light. Like the flux of the seasons and the folklore of death and rebirth, the Sun represents the return of life and greenery. At present, your world is opening up and you are asked to bloom in full view.
The Sun says it’s your time to shine. It’s all about externalizing, doing, manifesting, and creating right now. Expand your Self for all the world to see.
Take up space. Do what makes you happy. See yourself as the biggest flower on the block. The Sun says it’s time to radiate your power.
Element: Fire
Planet: Pluto
Judgement is the ability to decide who you are, what you do, and what hues resonate with the deepest, most genuine you.
This card heralds rebirth and the stepping into the skin that is most you. As the name implies, this happens after decision time: you’ve seen the light on what’s kept you hidden, oppressed, and down. After living under a veil and surviving in a barren landscape, suddenly, the veneer lifts, and an exuberant world opens up. You can see clearly. You choose what’s next.
The bell tolls, and a new day dawns. Judgment is the verdict reached after you’ve been in the deliberating room for a long time. It’s time to do what you know must be done, even if it disappoints other people or you’re facing an uncomfortable and challenging journey. The awakening of Judgement is the realization that you can no longer continue living inauthentically. It’s time to embrace the real you.
Sometimes this card appears when folks have an interest and connection to the other side. You could be communicating with ancestors, have an interest in mediumship, or find yourself drawn to mysticism and the afterlife. Judgement is the line crossed to the other side and the reckoning it faces during the soul review process. In Christianity, this is called Judgement day.
Ultimately, Judgement is the expression of your inner divinity, which has likely come after miles of what you thought to be impenetrable passes. And if you’re not there yet, hold steady. You’ll get there.
The World
Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn
The World is about what you feel is your higher calling. Your soul purpose is not only about living out your truth but also about serving humanity. Now is the time to bring your greatness to the table and invite everyone to the dinner party.
The World represents sharing your gifts with the world. When you do, the world naturally receives your energy and in turn, sends it back. This card suggests a co-creative reality that brings ascension of self and evolution for the planet. The brighter you shine, the more you are uplifted by that which you illuminate.
Following the awakening in the Judgement card, the World takes the next step by creating a tangible form; this is what comes after the authentic self finds footing. Now you do what you’re meant to.
The Minor Arcana
While the 22 Major Arcana cards presents us with deep truths, the Minor Arcana Cards show us our day-to-day circumstances, or “lessor” (minor) truths. The Minor Arcana is typically composed of 56 cards divided into four suits: Pentacles (or coins/disks), Wands (batons/clubs), Cups (or chalices), and Swords. Each suit has 10 numbered cards (1-10), as well as four court cards. Typically, the numbered cards represent circumstances, actions we can take, and various concerns in our lives. The court carts in each suit most often represent a person; either the querent or someone in the querent’s life.
Each Minor Arcana Suit is ruled by one of the four elements:
Pentacles = Earth
Swords =Air
Cups = Water
Wands = Fire
Understanding the properties of each element can greatly increase your understanding of each suit. For example, the element water is symbolized by the cup, which rules the realm of our emotions, intuition, and spirituality. Water, and the suit of cups therefore represent circumstances or actions that happen with emotional, spiritual, or intuitive force.
Suit of Wands
The suit of wands is connected to the element Fire. Fire is creative energy, transformation, and boldness. Each card in the suit of Wands in some way manifests the confident and active element fire. Use your judgement in a reading as to whether or not this energy is helping or hurting. In the LEYE WEYE Tarot, all wands have eyes and represent an awakening. You may have the ability to transform yourself and the world around you through a less conventional approach. In the Unicorns of the Universe Tarot, the suit of Wands is ruled by the Monokerata Unicorn. This Unicorn is wild and difficult to tame. The Monokerata is one feisty, fiery Unicorn that can help you take bold action.
Back to top/Major Arcana
Ace of Wands
Element: Fire
Passionate awakening or beginning:
The Ace of Wands is the fire burning for something new. New project. New Love. Fresh perspective. You’re beginning a journey, and it’s time to open yourself up to a different experience.
If you’re not feeling the fire, you might need time to ask why. Are you doing what’s safe? Following what you know? While it’s good to be grounded and have a routine, it’s also necessary to keep growing and discovering. Without that, life has no flair.
Fire brings force and excitement, but it also destroys. As you begin a new adventure, something will have to be left behind. Leave what limits you.
Two of Wands

Element: Fire
Mars in Aries
Where the Ace of Wands represents the realization of a new path, the Two of Wands represents the first step taken towards achievement. You can see your vision unfolding, and now is the time to put your energy into directed action. To see this card in a reading suggests that you are in the process of seeing how you can meet a major goal through short-term and long-term decisions. You have the idea and the drive, but need to figure out how to actualize your dream. To see this card reversed suggests that you are committed to a vision or idea, but are unsure of how to begin making your dream a reality. You may benefit from further reflecting on the practical needs that will help see your goal realized. The reversal of the card may also indicate that you are having difficulty following through on your vision.
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Three of Wands

Element: Fire
Sun in Aries
This card is a great sign that doors are opening up for you. You have confidently followed your vision and have made a lot of progress towards achieving your dreams. You are a natural leader, and may find yourself at the forefront of your field, due to your great ideas and confident approach. Similarly, you may have the opportunity to further expand your horizons. To see this card in a reading shows that a potentially huge opportunity lies ahead, and you should be open to any possibilities that come your way, even if it may be outside of your comfort zone. If you are thinking about relocating, this card confirms that the move will likely be a fruitful one. To see this card reversed in a reading can suggest a number of things. You may have difficulty expanding your world of possibilities and taking risks. If there are other cards in the reading that point to potential peril (like the Knight of Wands or the Tower), the reversal of this card may indicate that now is not the time to expand or move, but to focus on maintaining what you already have going on. It may also suggest that you need to stop trying to take the lead.
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Four of Wands

Element: Fire
Venus in Aries
Let the good times roll! The Four of Wands speaks of great joy and happiness. Now is the time to see friends, family, and to make plans that involve enjoying the company of those you love. The festive banner on this card indicates that there may be cause for celebration, such as a wedding or family reunion. Regardless of what the reason may be, seeing this card suggests that you spend time with those you love, and that you celebrate the happiness in your lives! In addition to having a social or familial meaning, seeing this card in a reading may also indicate that you have achieved something great. Where the Three of Wands shows the possibility in the unknown, the Four of Wands represents the triumph of having taken a risk, worked hard, and seeing your dreams become reality. It can indicate a new level of happiness. You need to celebrate your accomplishments! Additionally, this card can also indicate new horizons, a potential move, or a change in general that will lead to greater happiness. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that there may difficulty with arriving to a place of satisfaction with your goals, or that you are not feeling connected to activities that bring you joy. It can also indicate some dissonance with friends and family, or avoidance of making a change for the better.
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Five of Wands

Number: 5
Element: Fire
Saturn in Leo
Well, every card in the tarot can’t be sunshine and roses. We need the rain to make the flowers grow. And the lightening… well, I’m sure it has a purpose too. It’s a force you cannot easily reckon with, that’s for sure. The Five of Wands is about finding yourself in the middle of some very strong opinions and/or a tough conflict. Everyone around you thinks that their way is the best way to do things, and in fact, so do you. This card urges you to find a balance within the dissonance. You need to remain confident in your ideas, but you also need to find a way to give everyone the chance to express what they think will work. You need to remain competitive, but act with respect. It is not the time to back down from the challenge, nor is it the time to demand that it’s your way or the highway. Seeing the Five of Wands reversed can indicate that you are backing away from conflict or competition.
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Six of Wands

Element: Fire
Jupiter in Leo
This card is about reaching a goal and being recognized for your accomplishments! Wham. Who doesn’t want to see this card in a reading? Seriously though, this card indicates that you are at a great point of achievement. Everyone around you sees your success and they’re celebrating with you! Ruled by the optimistic and driven character of Leo and the luck-filled planet Jupiter, this card confirms that you have had great stamina and focus. You have been dedicated, courageous, and bold, and should feel good about what you have accomplished. To see the Six of Wands reversed in a reading can mean that you have had difficulty defining some life goals, and that you are avoiding dedicating the time and energy to see them through. Its reversal may also imply that now is not the time to take action towards something new and big. Look to what other cards appear in the reading to understand the reversal.
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Seven of Wands

Element: Fire
Mars in Leo
Sometimes heads need to crack. That’s what the Seven of Wands is about, at least metaphorically (please refrain from actual physical violence!). To see this card in a reading suggests that you need to stick to your beliefs, visions, and attitudes. You may find yourself in a situation where your abilities are being tested. You need to speak honestly and openly. You must stand your ground and remain confident. You have to defend your actions and opinions more than you have in the past. Stay true to your convictions and express them openly. Keep in mind that you will be encountering resistance. The best thing to do is prepare your defense strategy in a way that is straightforward and honest. To see this card reversed in a reading may suggest that you are avoiding necessary conflict.
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Eight of Wands

Number: 8
Element: Fire
Mercury in Sagittarius
Quick Action
Wands are flying through the air, and things are happening. If not, then they should be!
The Eight of Wands is the get-it-together and streamline vibe. It’s time to organize, plan, and align your energies. Are your actions aligning with your goals? How are all the pieces fitting together? The Eight of Wands encourages you to take decisive steps under the bigger-picture umbrella.
Life is moving forward. You must get things in order or order yourself accordingly; the future harbors change. You’ve got to be ready to jump when the door opens.
Many practitioners see this card as information, letters, or updates coming your way. You might get a job offer soon, hear from someone you’ve been wondering about, or receive another piece of important information. This card can also indicate a move or travel; those wands are air bound!
Brace yourself for things to happen quickly. If you’re stuck in a rut, the Eight of Wands asks you to light a fire under your butt and get moving. The future waits for no one.
Nine of Wands
Element: Fire
Moon in Sagittarius
To see the Nine of Wands in a reading suggests that you are close to victory, but there seems to be a few last challenges and setbacks thrown your way. There may also be hidden troubles that have yet to surface. You’ve worked so hard, and you are on the last leg of getting to where you want to be! This card encourages you to remain vigilant. Continue to persevere. You may have to fight challenging forces. Stand your ground, especially if others around you attempt to question what you are doing, or block you from achievement. This card encourages you to hang on even when the going gets tough. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are having difficulty overcoming challenges at the end of the journey,. It can also indicate that you are not seeing things with a clear frame of mind, and that your wariness may be leading to paranoia.
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Ten of Wands
Element: Fire
Saturn in Sagittarius
This is not a fun card to see in a reading. But not all of life is full of roses. This card suggests that you are overextending yourself. You have a ton of responsibility and you have worked hard to get to where you are, which is great, but it’s time to take a step back. Your plate is full and close to tipping. While you need stamina to continue, you may also need support. Is there someone around you that can help bear the load? You need to consider delegating responsibilities. If you are going it solo, you may benefit from enlisting the support of friends, family, or whatever resources are around you. To see this card warns that the load is too heavy and something must change. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are overcoming burdens and are in the process of making changes to better balance your full plate. It could also mean you are in denial of how overwhelmed you actually are. For example, a card pairing like the Sun may show that you are overcoming the burdens, whereas a card like the Devil may show that you are imprisoned by your commitments but are in denial about the pressure you’re under.
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Page of Wands
Ruled by Fire,
but blended with
Youthful person or energy with confidence, creativity, and passion.
The Page of Wands is a messenger that brings the message of it’s suit. In this case, the Page is bringing a message to work with the power of Fire, as represented by Wands. Also, traditionally the Page was the servant, or younger person that worked below the Knight, Queen and King. This idea of “rank” can translate quite literally in a Tarot reading, and might imply a younger sibling, student, or person on the lower rungs of a power structure of some sort (please note that this does not mean the Page is powerless!). Generally, the idea of potential, energy, learning, and excitement surrounds the youthful spirit of the Page. You may benefit from learning from or serving the ranks above you. Wands are Fire, which is full energy and ideas. The elemental combination “Earth of Fire” implies that your ideas will best be employed by taking bold (Fire), and yet grounded steps (Earth). Root your ideas and actions in a practical way. The Page of Wands suggests that you need to trust your creative vision. You should move forward quickly and confidently, knowing that things will work out. You may not be able to predict what’s in store, but that’s okay. You need to be confident in your abilities. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are having difficulty moving forward, that may be doubting your abilities, or that there may be power struggles (especially if the Knight, Queen, or King surrounds the Page). Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Consider the question asked, trust your intuition and look at the cards that surround the Page to help you decide if the card represents you or someone else.
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Knight of Wands

Ruled by Fire,
but blended with
Fierce person or energy that acts with confidence, creativity, and passion
Knights are generally action oriented people who are guided by the element they represent (in this case, Fire). They are awesomely fierce, and sometimes they struggle to find balance. The Knight of Wands is one fireball. This is someone who leaps headfirst, completely confident in their abilities. The Knight of Wands knows who they are and they’re not afraid to show it. Ruled by the elemental combination of “Air of Fire,” we can see that the active, aggressive elements of Air and Fire blend together to create an undeniable force. To see the Knight of Wands in a reading suggests that you are bold, confident, and passionate and you’re not fearing much in the moment. You are full of ideas and energy! You may also be sexually charged and full of charisma. This can be a great thing! The willingness to take unthinkable risks can also backfire though, too. The reversal of this card can indicate cockiness or lack of stability (too much fuel in the fire). Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Trust your intuition and look at the cards that surround the Knight to help you decide if it’s you or someone else.
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Queen of Wands
Ruled by Fire,
but blended with
Mature or wise feminine person or energy that acts with confidence, creativity, and passion.
The Queen of Wands is super sexy. This is someone that is full of ideas and radiates confidence. To see this card in a reading suggests that you are brimming with boldness and power. As a ruling Queen, you inspire others and easily take charge of a situation. You are inventive and take a creative approach to all that comes your way. Your energy and charisma is attractive to others, and you may find yourself taking the lead or being sought out for your incredible ideas. The Queen of Wands is definitely someone who can think outside of the box. Ruled by the elemental combination of “Water of Fire,” this suggests that the confident aspect of Fire is balanced with the emotionally sensitive side of Water. This makes the Queen a trustworthy and loving person as well. Also, in terms of rank, a Queen would imply someone with power. This card may represent you or someone else – a boss, parent, or authority figure. To see the Queen of Wands reversed may indicate that you are having trouble trusting your ideas, or activating your power. Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Trust your intuition, and look at the cards that surround the Queen to help you decide if it’s you or someone else.
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King of Wands
Ruled by Fire,
and even more Fire
Mature or wise masculine person or energy that acts with confidence, creativity, and passion.
Where the Queen of Wands is bold, attractive, and receptive, the King is outward with an in-your-face type of Fire that cannot be ignored. The King of Wands is naturally always the center of attention. To see this card in a reading suggests that you are a natural leader with a lot of power, creating innovative ideas and winning people over with your natural charisma. You know how to motivate others and you are always ahead of the curve. You can step into any situation and transform it completely. You trust your abilities and you confront any challenge thrown your way with a self-assured attitude. The elemental combination of “Fire of Fire” suggests that you are the center of the flame (you turn heads, it’s true) and that your enthusiasm spreads to others. In terms of rank, the King may represent you (or someone else) in a position of authority; a parent, boss, guardian, or leader. To see the King of Wands reversed may indicate that you are having trouble trusting your ideas, or activating your power. Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Trust your intuition, and look at the cards that surround the court card to help you decide if the King is you or someone else.
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Suit of Pentacles
The suit of pentacles is connected to the element Earth. Earth represents growth, stability, prosperity, and planning. Each card in the suit of pentacles in some way manifests issues surrounding your stability and growth. The Pentacle is literally the image of star in a circle. It is like a flower, a coin, or like our bodies standing with legs apart and arms outstretched. In the LEYE WEYE Tarot, the suit of pentacles is identifiable by this powerful symbol. In the Unicorns of the Universe Tarot, the suit of pentacles is hosted by the steady, rhino-hoofed Karkadann Unicorn. Physically, the Unicorn as well as our own bodies, are composed of matter (aka the element Earth). Issues involving the suit of pentacles generally attest to the situations that involve our well-being, and our sense of feeling grounded. These would be concerns with our shelter or homes, careers, professional growth, businesses, or our sense of safety.
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Ace of Pentacles
Element: Earth
New beginning in stability:
The Ace of Pentacles begins the suit, showing a see first seed (or pentacle) being planted in the ground (Laughing Eye Weeping Eye/LEYE WEYE Tarot, on the Left). On the right, the trusty Karkadann Unicorn plants one foot firmly forward, balancing just right to hold their pentacle, which rests on their horn. To see the Ace of Pentacles in a reading suggests that you are in the beginning stages of focusing or improving your stability. You may have started a new career, or may be considering making a change that improves your security. You are sensing your potential and know that you must take a slow and steady approach. You understand that the tried and true methods of organization and persistence will yield results. In order to get to where you need to be, you will need to use logic and planning. You may also benefit from forming partnerships or making connections with others that are logical and dependable. To see the Ace of Pentacles reversed in a reading suggests that you may be having difficulty committing to growth, or that you may be feeling a new path is blocked.
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Two of Pentacles
Element: Earth
Jupiter in Capricorn
Things are topsy turvy. The Two of Pentacles is moving fast.
You might be juggling jobs and finances or finding your personal life up and down. In relationship readings, your dating or personal circle may feel like an endless loop of drama. Ugh!
Maybe the person you like is seeing other people. Or, maybe you are. Is that going well for you? Take time to see whether the rollercoaster ride is fun or nauseating.
The circling pentacles might also tell you to expand your search for romance. Maybe you can’t get motivated to get out there or find yourself stuck with someone and stagnating.
Professionally, this card asks you to move it into high gear, and balance two or more pathways. Alternatively, you might need to slow the heck down. Look to the surrounding cards in your reading. Cards depicting stillness suggest the latter.
This card is traditionally called the juggler, and its game is about two sides, flip-flopping, and all things fast-moving. Look at whether speed helps or hurts your efforts.
Three of Pentacles

Number: 3
Element: Earth
Mars in Capricorn
I am always quite pleased to see this card in a reading. The Three of Pentacles is about a new opportunity or situation that may improve your stability. To see this card shows that you have powerful allies surrounding you and that a cooperative approach will yield great results, likely in a financial context. Now is a great time to propose a business plan, or take the lead in initiating connections with other people that have similar goals. You have the potential for a lot of gain and should invest in a solid planning effort. You should take into account different viewpoints, and in working with others, foster a sense of harmony and possibility. This is a card that’s about fruitful team efforts and copperation. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are having difficulty working with others in a cooperative or financial context. The reversal can also suggest that now may not be the time to work with others. For example, if a card like the 5 of swords surrounds it, this could indicate deception.
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Four of Pentacles
Element: Earth
Sun in Capricorn
You’re holding on for dear life. Your resources, emotional and financial, are under tight watch. You’re pinching pennies and guarding your heart and wondering when–and if–the gates should ever be opened back up.
The Four Pentacles behind the wall are your coins, plans, and spiritual energy, hidden away. You might be in a difficult spot with funds or constrained in your career; you have to stick to a job that you don’t love for practical reasons. On a personal level, you could be under lock and key because you’re lacking space, emotionally, for anyone but yourself.
This card is about restraint. Sometimes conserving is necessary, at other times, it’s a barrier to growth. The Four of Pentacles asks you to look at the walls you’ve built and examine if now is the right time to build up or, instead, break out.
Five of Pentacles
Element: Earth
Mercury in Taurus
Ill health
Gah. Cards like this appear and we wonder why we read Tarot. There is a lesson to learn from the green ooze, and it is this: “You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you get what you need.” – Mick Jagger. And so we have it, you’re feeling rejected. You wanted something in your life to go a certain way, but instead there was a weird turn through a dark alley with broken bottles. Seeing this card suggests that you are feeling down and out due to some hard times, but despite this, there’s hope. You may be suffering (possibly even physically or mentally), but all is not lost! What you need to do now is seek the support of others. Friends, family, doctors, lovers all fit the bill (unless they caused you to struggle in the first place). The message brought on by the 5 of Pentacles is that we all experience suffering at some point in our lives, and we all need somebody to lean on. So find your leaning post, and take things one day at a time. Surrender to the fact that you can’t control everything all of the time. To see this card reversed in a reading can mean that you’ve overcome a difficult period of loss and rejection, or that you are in denial of how much you are struggling.
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Six of Pentacles
Element: Earth
Moon in Taurus
Financial Imbalances
This is a card in the Tarot that everyone seems to have a different opinion about. I personally feel that this card is about financial power. To see it in a reading suggests that there is some sort of struggle with resources and your stability. You may be at the mercy of others who have more financial power than you do. Or, you may be in a situation that others are depending on you, and you may be in a strong financial place to help out. This card is about the battle between what you have and don’t have, basically. To see it in a reading suggests that you are either financially powerful, or feeling powerless and at the mercy of someone else. This card may also suggest that there is more money or resources to be had by asking (time for a raise!). It also suggests that you may need to accept help or give help in the short term, but that you should eventually also take steps towards beginning a new path or pursuit to gain financial security. If you are in the place of power, this card can suggest that you can help someone or a group of people around you now, but should also focus on helping create long-term solutions.
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Seven of Pentacles
Element: Earth
Saturn in Taurus
This card is a great sign that you’ve come a long way. You’ve worked really hard and you’re ready to take things to the next level. You’ve gained a lot of valuable skills and learned through trial and error who you are and what you are capable of. To see the 7 of Pentacles in a reading suggests that you are focusing on a new, long term goal. What you desire is a stable solution, a permanent sense of accomplishment and security. In order to get there, you will benefit from looking at your life objectively. What is working for me? What is working against me? What is a waste of time? You are in the process of asking serious questions that show you are committed to the process of assessment, planning, and change. This card indicates that you are ready to move into a new direction, and that you will be highly successful if you do. Slow and steady will win the race. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are having difficulty committing to a vision that you have and/or making the necessary changes needed to follow through. The reversal can also indicate that you are struggling with stability.
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Eight of Pentacles

Number: 8
Element: Earth
Sun in Virgo
Those are some nicely stacked pentacles. It took a long time to stack those perfect pentacles to make them balance just right. You felt a little obsessive while you were doing it, but you believed in your abilities. Diligence is your name, perfection is your game.
The Eight of Pentacles shows that you’re in the process of developing or honing a trade, craft, or skill. You’re excited and involved in your work and believe in what you are working towards. You might be on the brink of opening a business, inventing something, or bringing your beautiful genius into the world. The symbol of the star above the stacked pentacles represents completing your goals.
This card can also relate to study. You might be improving your knowledge through education, formally in a degree, or by another means.
On a personal level, the Eight of Pentacles shows that a relationship will require investment and work or take time to build. Usually, the outcome is good if all parties involved are dedicated to putting in the effort.
So, get cracking on those pentacles!
Nine of Pentacles
Element: Earth
Venus in Virgo
What you need to know about the Nine of Pentacles is that it combines the fertile, beautiful, and sensual powers of lady Venus with the disciplined and work-oriented Virgo. What you have then, is someone who can lace up their skates, sweat hard, but make it look all like a breeze. And this is you, of course. To see this card in a reading suggests that your self-discipline has led (or is taking you) to a place of great success and prosperity. And true to the beauty of Venus, people are taking note of your charisma and power. You are hard-working, and independent, but you also enjoy life and all that you have worked so hard for. As the attractive and feminine Venus, people envy how you make things look like a breeze. You always seem to be ahead of the curve on what’s cool and fun. It’s lucky for them that you are not selfish, and you thrive from connecting with others. It is likely that you have many admirers and are the talk of the town. You are willing to enjoy life and indulge in what you’ve accomplished. You also revel in your freedom and independence. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests difficulty lacing up your skates and sticking to the sweatier details of your plan. You have the potential to achieve a lot, but you must focus on developing the details of your long-term plans.
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Ten of Pentacles
Element: Earth
Mercury in Virgo
The Ten of Pentacles is the card of lovely things. And I don’t mean that sarcastically!
This is the beautiful home built, the successful career, the conclusion of a goal, or the money pouring in. If it’s not falling into place, it’s time to get on it!
Numerically, Ten’s represent the culmination of a journey. As the final card in the suit of pentacles, the realm of materiality (earth) reaches a pinnacle. This card is all of the wealth, stability, and feelings of accomplishment and splendor at your door. Wonderful!
You might be reaching a professional milestone, appreciating the love of family and friends, or just finding things falling into place. And if not, you’re being called to get your world aligned with your vision.
Other interpretations of this card suggest family inheritances, matters of estate, and wealth coming into focus. Because this card represents stability in one’s home environment, this card can also suggest changes to your abode. You might be moving or beautifying your space.
The Ten of Pentacles symbolizes stability, hard-earned or fortuitously given by the Universe. Enjoy what you have, or invest your energies into what you need to thrive.
Page of Pentacles
Ruled by Earth,
and even more Earth
Youthful person or energy with stable, career or money focused goals.
The Page is a messenger that brings the message of its suit. In this case, the Page of Pentacles is bringing a message to work with the power of Earth, as represented by pentacles. You may not have committed to action yet, but the potential is there. Also, traditionally the Page was the servant, or younger person that worked below the Knight, Queen and King. This idea of “rank” can translate quite literally in a Tarot reading, and might imply a younger sibling, student, or person on the lower rungs of a power structure of some sort (please note that this does not mean the Page is powerless!). Generally, the idea of potential, energy, learning, and excitement surrounds the youthful spirit of the Page. You may benefit from learning from or serving the ranks above you. As an element, Earth and therefore Pentacles is about focusing on stability through prosperity and diligence. The elemental combination “Earth of Earth” implies that your ideas will best be employed by taking very grounded steps (Earth). Root your ideas and actions in a practical way. Plan and think logically. The Page of Pentacles also suggests that you will benefit from a business minded approach. You should move forward slowly, with an organizational mindset. Patience is key. You may also benefit from making connections to others that are on a similar path. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are having difficulty moving forward, that may be doubting your abilities, or that there may be power struggles (especially if the Knight, Queen, or King surrounds the Page). Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Trust your intuition and look at the cards that surround the Page to help you decide if it’s you or someone else.
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Knight of Pentacles
Ruled by Earth,
but blended with Air
Fierce person or energy with stable, career or money focused goals.
Knights are generally action oriented people who are guided by the element they represent (in this case, Earth). They are awesomely fierce, and sometimes they struggle to find balance. So, the Knight of Pentacles is a, steadfast, dependable kind of person. You know what yields results, and you like routine. You believe in logical planning. Ruled by the elemental combination of “Air of Earth,” we can see that the active, intellectual element of Air and the steady planning of Earth blends together to create a thoughtful, steady personality. You are also a dependable force for others, and you are always ready to take charge of a situation that requires a sold force. While a sense of stability is important for you, you may sometimes struggle with change or uncertainty. The reversal of this card can indicate that you are having difficulty maintaining stability, or conversely that your need for security is getting in the way of change. As always, look to what cards surround it, and consider what the question is. Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Trust your intuition and look at the cards that surround the Knight to help you decide if it’s you or someone else.
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Queen of Pentacles
Ruled by Earth,
but blended with Water
Mature, wise feminine person or energy with stable, career or money focused goals.
The Queen of Pentacles is super dependable and kind. You are like a rock, but that does not make you void of emotions. You genuinely care, and nurture a sense of security and belonging in everything you do. To see this card in a reading suggests that you are brimming with power and that you are stable force for all around you. As a ruling Queen, you inspire others and easily take charge of a situation. You are logical and take a practical approach to all that comes your way. You are dependable and nurturing. Ruled by the elemental combination of “Water of Earth,” this suggests that the emotional force of Water is balanced with the solidity of Earth. It seems that all you plant turns to gold, and prospers through careful planning, nurturing, and a sense of purpose. This makes you, the Queen, a trustworthy and loving person. In terms of rank, a Queen is a ruler and represents someone in power; a boss, parent, guardian, or leader. To see the Queen of Pentacles reversed may indicate that you are having trouble with stability, planning, and growth, or are in some way struggling with you power. Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Trust your intuition, and look at the cards that surround the Queen to help you decide if it’s you or someone else.
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King of Pentacles
Ruled by Earth,
but blended with Fire
Mature, wise masculine person or energy with stable, career or money focused goals.
Where the Queen of Pentacles is stable and nurturing, the King is the outward activating force that defines what stability is. As the King of Pentacles, you are a natural leader. You have worked hard to get to the top, and you know the importance of planning and strategy. You have an intuitive understanding of the business and financial realm, and all that goes into creating something with material stability and structure. To see this card in a reading suggests that you are a natural leader with a lot of power, building things up with a logical and steady approach. You know how to work with others and you are always expanding your connections. You can step into any situation and make it fruitful. The elemental combination of “Fire of Earth” suggests that you blend the charismatic, innovative spark of Fire with a dependable and grounded nature. In terms of rank, a King implies someone in a place of power; a parent, guardian, boss, or leader. To see the King of Pentacles reversed may indicate that may be experiencing a change or difficulty in stability and that you are having trouble taking the lead. It could also indicate that you are abusing your power. Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Trust your intuition, and look at the cards that surround the court card to help you decide if the King is you or someone else.
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Suit of Cups
The suit of cups is connected to the element Water. In some other decks, cups are also called chalices. Water is emotional power, intuition, love, and spirituality. Each card in the suit of cups in some way manifests the use of those qualities. Generally speaking, the suit of cups often deals with issues surrounding love, friends, family, and the way that we feel emotionally as a result of our circumstances. Water and Cups also represents spirituality and intuition. In the LEYE WEYE Tarot, the cups show what you are feeling. The cup is a vessel that represents you. In the Unicorns of the Universe Tarot, the suit of Cups is ruled by the Qilin Unicorn. This is an Asian Unicorn that is said to bring joy and good fortune. It has a calm and serene presence.
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Ace of Cups
Number: 1
Element: Water
New beginning in love, awakening:
Emotional Power
A journey of the heart begins. In this watery realm, your spirit finds stillness and hope.
This card often appears after a difficult passage, where your feelings have been broken, or a road has reached its end. The Ace of Cups marks the potential to love, live, and feel your spirit once again.
Something new begins, and this comes after a period of reflection. New insights are gathered, and the Self is made whole. Continue to focus on your healing and growth. All steps forward should be considered within the following measures: Does the space I’m moving into lift up my soul? Is my spirit safe here?
Two of Cups
Element: Water
Venus in Cancer
The Two of Cups is a card that sure makes you feel good. It represents the power of two, or of forces uniting. To see this card in a reading suggests that you are experiencing a new attraction or connection, or that a truce is important to you. This card can also suggest the need to forgive someone that has caused some emotional turmoil. The idea of union is important to you right now. You are in a place to create a great connection with someone you care about, and to let bygones be bygones. To see this card reversed suggests that you are having difficulty connecting emotionally to someone. You may be having trouble opening up, or forgiving someone that hurt you. The reversal may also be urging you to let go of someone/something that is not truly serving your best interests and all-around happiness.
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Three of Cups
Element: Water
Mercury in Cancer
The Three of Cups is a very joyous card. It suggests that you are enjoying a period of celebration with people that you trust and care about. What’s great is that these people are more than just friends. They are your inspiration. You all help each other out. You push each other towards achieving great things, and you are all supportive if one of you takes a spill. The sense of community that you have around you is working as a great benefit. There is a lot of love and devotion around you. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are having difficulty connecting to others that share your goals and your beautiful quirks. The reversal can also indicate that you no longer connect with a community of friends that once supported you, that you somehow feel let down by them, or that you are in need of creating a supportive network and need to meet new people.
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Four of Cups
Element: Water
Moon in Cancer
This card is about letting go while things fall apart around you. You may be feeling tired of the same old hassles, and so, right now all you want to do is focus on your own sense of inner peace and calm. A lot is happening around you, but you are frozen in the moment. You are in a place of isolated meditation, trying to listen to your intuition and process your emotions. You may be unsure of what your next move is, or you may be experiencing a feeling that you cannot control what is happening outside of yourself. And so, you retreat. That can be good to do for a moment, but it can be bad if you linger too long and everything around you falls apart or worsens. To see this card reversed suggests that you are coming out of a period of non-action and reflection, and that you are ready to take charge of a situation that you felt was previously out of your control.
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Five of Cups

Number: 5
Element: Water
Mars in Scorpio
This card suggests that you have been through some emotional turmoil. You’ve suffered a loss and you may be feeling a sense of regret, or overall sadness. To see this card in a reading implies that while there’s a lot of pain, but that there’s also a lot of good. You will benefit from remembering what you do have. All has NOT been lost. There is hope for the future. As the old saying goes, this too shall pass. Now is a time to stay positive and focus on the things that are happy and fruitful within your life. You will be able to rebuild by beginning to shift your energy away from the turmoil and pain. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are overcoming loss or sadness and have moved on. It could also indicate that you are in denial of how hurt you are by something. As always, the other cards around you can tell you what the reversal means.
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Six of Cups
Element: Water
Sun in Scorpio
The Six of Cups is about giving. To see this card in a reading suggests that you are in a place to help an individual or a group of people, and that you give openly. You experience joy from trying to make things better for others that are either less fortunate or struggling. You radiate a sense of hope and beauty, and you feel strength and happiness knowing that you can help others who need support. This card can also suggest that you may be involved with issues of social justice. To see this card reversed in a reading can indicate that you need to give out less support and charity. Now may not be the time to try and help others. It may also indicate that you are not open to giving, which may not be good, either. It all depends on the question asked and the cards that surround it.
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Seven of Cups
Element: Water
Venus in Scorpio
There are treasures to behold! And pleasures untold!
Or are there? The Seven of Cups is about the imagination and the wilds of desire. You might be expanding your sense of what’s possible. Opening up your imagination might lead to new avenues, but it could also be a floodgate of roads without signposts. Which way to go?
The Seven of Cups asks you to look at how your mind is spinning–or not–and ask how it needs to dream. Does your vision need to be bigger? Or does it need to be more refined? Look at how many cups are full versus empty.
In your personal life, the Seven of Cups can indicate desire, power, and sex. Hello, fun! Are you having fun? Or are you burying yourself beneath a party blanket? This card is about gauging your pleasure zone; is it lacking or smacking you up?
There are many possibilities and sights to behold. Reach higher, or narrow your vision to fit your spirit in its best dress.
Eight of Cups

Element: Water
Saturn in Pisces
Letting go
The Eight of Cups suggests that you’ve been going through some emotional and difficult times. You are weary and feeling a lot of different things, at the moment. With all that’s happened, you’ve started wondering what the deeper meaning of life is. You are trying to make sense of something that feels senseless. You wonder what the future holds. You may still be clinging to the past with a sense of longing and loss, but you are beginning to raise your head and heart to move on. To see the Eight of Cups in a reading suggests that you are at the beginning stages of letting go. You will benefit from focusing on the unknown path ahead, despite how scary that might seem. You may have to abandon many things (literally and figuratively) in order to truly move on. To see this card reversed in a reading implies that you have overcome a deep loss, or feelings of sadness regarding something or someone in your past. It could also suggest that you are not allowing yourself to grieve, or that it may not be time to let go; you may be still be able to make amends and heal versus letting go. On the other hand, the card reversal may also indicate that the hesitation to let go is causing greater pain and that you need to commit to moving forward and let go of emotional attachments to your decision. Card reversals always lend greater clarity when you look to the surrounding cards for any patterns you see, as well as consider the question you’ve asked.
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Nine of Cups

Number: 9
Element: Water
Jupiter in Pisces
So, you were handed a genie’s bottle and you got everything you asked for. Lucky you! You are enjoying what you’ve rightfully earned. And yes, you did actually work for it (forget the genie bottle thing). This is a great card to see in a reading. You have accomplished everything you’ve set out to do, and you’ve been blessed with happiness. If you’re not quite there yet, this card is a reminder that you can have whatever you want. Love, pleasure, fulfillment, and prosperity are just a few of the treasures in your basket. You should be enjoying them right now, as you’ve worked hard for everything you have. To see this card in a reading indicates that you are reaching a blissful stage of fulfillment in your life, or that prosperity is coming your way. This card also encourages you to stay focused on your goals, and indicates good fortune. To see this card reversed in a reading can suggest that you don’t know what you want, you’re not enjoying your success, or that you’re too focused on getting it all and therefore hindering yourself by high expectations.
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Ten of Cups
Element: Water
Mars in Pisces
This card is about good times with your family, whether that be relatives or friends that you consider family. To see this card in a reading suggests that you are in a place to enjoy the people that you care about! You have a deep sense of love and connection to family, and should celebrate the company of those close to you. To see this card suggests that it is important for you to foster those bonds right now. This card can also imply that you will soon be starting a family of your own, or that you will be hearing happy news from your family shortly. Paired with the Empress card, this can suggest fertility and that a new child may be on the way! To see this card reversed in a reading implies that you are facing challenges with your family or a group of people you consider as family.
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Page of Cups

Ruled by Water,
but blended with Earth
Youthful person or energy with emotional, intuitive, or spiritual force.
The Page is a messenger that brings the message of its suit. In this case, the Page of Cups is bringing a message to work with the power of Cups and the element Water. Also, traditionally the Page was the servant, or younger person that worked below the Knight, Queen and King. This idea of “rank” can translate quite literally in a Tarot reading, and might imply a younger sibling, student, or person on the lower rungs of a power structure of some sort (please note that this does not mean the Page is powerless!). Generally, the idea of potential, energy, learning, and excitement surrounds the youthful spirit of the Page. You may benefit from learning from or serving the ranks above you. You may not know what awaits you, but the potential is there and you should be open to love and emotional growth. Water carries the power of happiness through love, emotional connections, intuition, and spirituality. Listen to your feelings, and be open to sharing powerful emotional connections! Trust your intuition! The elemental combination “Earth of Water” implies that your emotions will best be suited through patience and steady efforts (Earth). Root your feelings in a practical way. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are having difficulty being open to love, embracing your emotional side, or that you feel spiritually blocked. There may also be power struggles (especially if the Knight, Queen, or King surrounds the reversed Page). Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Trust your intuition and look at the cards that surround the Page to help you decide if it’s you or someone else.
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Knight of Cups
Ruled by Water,
but blended with Air
Fierce person or energy with emotional, intuitive, and spiritual force.
Knights are generally action oriented people who are guided by the element they represent (in this case, Water). They are awesomely fierce, and sometimes they struggle to find balance. The Knight of Cups is an emotional, charismatic kind of person. You know what you feel, and it guides all that you do. You believe in trusting your heart and your intuition. You are likely a poet, romantic, or dreamer. You sometimes struggle between the inner and outer world of your emotions, sharing all passionately, or closing up completely due to your sensitive nature. Ruled by the elemental combination of “Air of Water,” we can see that the active, intellectual element of Air and the emotional force of Water blends together to create someone who expresses their thoughts poetically. You are also sentimental and excitable, ready to act quickly based on your feelings. On the flip side: The reversal of the Knight of Cups card can indicate that you are having difficulty maintaining emotional equilibrium, or conversely that you are having difficulty trusting or sharing your feelings. It can also suggest that you are not acting on how you feel. As always, the meaning of a reversal can be understood by looking to what cards surround it, and by further considering the question. Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Trust your intuition and look at the cards that surround the Knight to help you decide if it’s you or someone else.
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Queen of Cups
Ruled by Water,
and even more Water
Mature, wise feminine person or energy with emotional, intuitive, and spiritual force.
The Queen of Cups is a super loving, kind, and caring personality. Your heart is the size of the rocky mountains, but as soft and deep as the ocean. You are sensitive, easily picking up on the feelings and moods of others around you. You are intuitive and may also have psychic abilities. Not surprisingly, you are the first person that people come to when they need emotional support. As a ruling Queen, you favor an approach to problem solving by trusting your feelings, and also by listening to the feelings of those around you. Guided by the elemental combination of “Water of Water,” this suggests that the qualities of water are super strong, to the point of flooding. Your emotional nature is a great asset, but your sensitivity can also cause you to feel things intensely and at times, or to become overwhelmed emotionally. In terms of rank, the Queen suggests a leader; someone that is a boss, parent, authority figure, etc. To see the Queen of Cups reversed may indicate that you are having trouble opening up your emotional side, or that you need to focus less on being guided by feelings alone. The element earth and its energy is receptive like water, and is a good stable force to pair with water if you are looking for ways to find a balance (just a tip). Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Trust your intuition, and look at the cards that surround the Queen to help you decide if it’s you or someone else.
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King of Cups
Ruled by Water,
but blended with Fire
Mature, wise masculine person or energy with emotional, intuitive, and spiritual force.
Where the Queen of Cups is intuitive, and loving, the King is the outward activating force that defines how water (emotional power) rules. As the King of Cups, you are a natural leader who cares deeply about everyone around you. You have worked hard to build trust with people, through openly listening to the emotions of others, and creating a supportive environment. You have an intuitive understanding of what people need to feel cared for, and all that goes into creating trusting relationships. The elemental combination of “Fire of Water” suggests that you blend the charismatic spark of Fire with the emotional force of Water; as such, the King of Cups may be a poet, dreamer, artist, or writer. Whatever the medium, you find that expressing your feelings outwardly is not only important, but necessary. In terms of rank, a King implies that this is someone who is a leader; a boss, parent, guardian, or authority figure. To see the King of Cups reversed may indicate that you are having trouble opening up your emotional side, or that you need to focus less on being guided by feelings alone. Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Trust your intuition, and look at the cards that surround the court card to help you decide if the King is you or someone else.
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Suit of Swords
The suit of swords is connected to the element Air. Air symbolizes intellect, thought, justice, and communication. Each card in the suit of swords in some way manifests the use of those qualities. Generally speaking, the suit of swords is one of the heavier suits in the Tarot, often revealing hardships and struggle. Like Fire, Air is an active element that indicates change and movement. A sword is also a tool of justice, cutting through the air and acting on its judgements. However, as you can imagine, the sword is a powerful tool that needs to be wielded carefully. In the LEYE WEYE Tarot, the way that the swords are positioned helps to symbolically reveal their meaning. In the Unicorns of the Universe Tarot, the suit of swords is ruled by the Shadhavar Unicorn, whose horn is mighty and also fearsome. This is a Persian Unicorn that must be approached with care, as it can be dangerous!
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Ace of Swords
Number: 1
Element: Air
New idea, communications, justice:
In its windy breath, the sword brings clear thoughts, ideas, and better communication. You have a new pursuit, mindset, or vision. The air is open, and your eyes size up the view. You can see where you’re going.
Swords and their corresponding element, Air, are logical. They favor planning. You’re asked to embrace logical processes that blend fact, observation, and research. Use your mind to discern your way forward, leaving behind emotional reactions or judgments.
On a personal level, you are seeing your life and relationships differently. The Sword guards you; you’re asked to be direct, draw clear boundaries, and cut away what is not working in your life. It’s time to speak your truth and protect your energy.
You may also be experiencing a renewed sense of wisdom, feeling more knowledgeable and confident in your ideas. Reading, studying, and learning can be a gateway to what comes next.
The Ace of Swords is the clear mind, and the cobwebs swept from dark corners. There’s space to see.
Two of Swords

Number: 2
Element: Air
Moon in Libra
Blocked Emotion
In numerology, 2’s generally represent non-action. Things are still taking form. 2’s are trying to remaining even, just like the scales of Justice. And interestingly, this card is also ruled by Libra (Moon in Libra, to be exact), the zodiacal peacemaker and balancer. To see the Two of Swords suggests that you are currently avoiding confronting the issues around you. There has been some difficult social interactions or emotions for you, and you are currently having a hard time deciding how to proceed. You may be avoiding making a decision because you know that there will be further emotional difficulties. While you may be able to avoid stirring the boat at the moment, this card suggests that you begin to confront how you are feeling and make a decision on how to proceed soon. Ruled by the active and brave sword, this card suggests that you confront the issue directly.
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Three of Swords
Element: Air
Saturn in Libra
This card is straight and to the point. To see it suggests that you are experiencing sadness and heartache. There is an emotional loss in your life, or in impending one. You may even be feeling betrayed by a loved one. Sometimes this card can indicate the end of a romantic relationship, or separation from someone you care deeply about. There may be the possibility for the love to continue, but a lot of forgiveness and healing will be necessary. You will need to confront unsettled feelings in order to move forward. It’s important to process your emotions. You may be feeling traumatized, but try to understand this sensation instead of avoiding it. Sometimes we are scared of being in pain, but it is a necessary feeling that must be processed. This card encourages you to confront your grief head-on. To see this card reversed in a reading can suggest that you are overcoming a difficult period of grief.
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Four of Swords
Element: Air
Jupiter in Libra
Have you had a good rest? The Four of Swords is the golden coffin, bringing sweetness despite the sadness. A period of loss has come to a close, but rest and recovery bring comfort. It can feel counter-intuitive to suspend action, but recharging your batteries is the only way to get powered back up again. So, get relaxed and slow down.
While receiving the restorative benefits of rest, you’re also alone with your thoughts. It’s time to get intimate with your feelings and inner workings. How are you processing your experience? What has changed, and who are you becoming? Take time to reflect. This makes your future resurrection robust and your life clearer.
Five of Swords
Element: Air
Venus in Aquarius
Abuse of Power
This is a tough card to see in a reading. To see it suggests that you are in a situation where you feel that someone is using their power in an egotistical way. You are at the mercy of someone who is creating discord. You are not alone in the matter, either. Others around you are also feeling burnt by the situation. Instead of working together as a team to accomplish something, someone is forging ahead and taking all of the credit, perhaps even “stabbing you in the back,” so to speak. To see this card in a reading suggests that you try to confront this unfairness if it all possible, or alternatively, to get out of this situation. This card can also indicate that YOU are the one holding the sword and using your power in a way that’s hurting others around you. It’s important to be honest about which side of the struggle you are on: Having power, or having your power taken from you. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that the period of conflict is over. It may also suggest that you are not fully aware of what’s happening and that you should pay closer attention to any power struggles in your immediate environment.
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Six of Swords
Element: Air
Mercury in Aquarius
The Unknown
Sometimes you’ve got to get in the boat and go. The Six of Swords is world-weary; it’s time for a break.
Your break might be emotional. Maybe you need refuge and time to process grief or recover from life’s tumults. You could be closing one chapter, saying goodbyes, or leaving what you know in search of something better.
The Six of Swords is the journey from one shore to the next. It’s hard to row a boat with swords, though. Sometimes life’s transitions are slow and difficult.
What awaits on the other side is healing, regenerative, and better than what came before. Embrace the burdensome but necessary passage that leads you away from the jaded and into the new.
Seven of Swords
Element: Air
Moon in Aquarius
Hidden Motives
Running Away
The Seven of Swords is about something that’s hidden from view. To see it in a reading suggests that you are running away from the truth, or are yourself being deceived. It can indicate that either you or someone around you has egocentric motives and is purposefully hiding their intentions, or “stealing,” so to speak. The perpetrator will definitely become uncovered, and the truth revealed at some point. This card encourages you to think and act with openness, honesty, and integrity. It may also be important to confront the deceiver. If it is yourself, you may benefit from talking openly with the people you have impacted. Very rarely, this card can alternatively encourage you to hide the truth from view – if others around you are not open to your truth, hiding may be your only option. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are avoiding confronting the deception. It can also indicate that you are moving on after this difficult period.
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Eight of Swords

Number: 8
Element: Air
Jupiter in Gemini
Victim Mentality
There’s not always a clear choice in life. Sometimes I think there are too many choices and instead of moving forward, we are paralyzed by the possibilities. And so we come to the Eight of Swords. To see this card in a reading suggests that you are stuck in a rut. Instead of using your powerful swords for advancement, you feel self-imprisoned by them. To see this card in a reading suggests that you are feeling restricted and confused. While you may have been through some challenges, seeing this card suggests that you are perpetuating a sense of entitled victimhood. Instead of taking the reigns and committing to action, you are waiting for someone or something to come along and change the situation. This card suggests that you have more power than you realize. Also, you may not know what the “right” choice is, and you may not get everything you want, but that doesn’t matter. Any movement forward at this juncture is essential. Additionally, you will also find greater freedom and more possibilities coming your way if you start to change your perspective. Like attracts like. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are overcoming a period of restriction and confusion. It can also suggest that you are not open to confronting feelings of powerlessness.
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Nine of Swords
Element: Air
Mars in Gemini
This card is about anxiety, plain and simple. You are worrying yourself into exhaustion. You may even be experiencing insomnia. You are focused on the uncertainty of the future or of your life in general. While there may be some warranted feelings of grief, the Nine of Swords suggests that worrying is making the situation much worse. Trapped by your fear and sadness, you may be brewing up a potent concoction of “bottle up and explode.” There may be things that are out of your control, at the moment. While that’s always a challenge, you will benefit from trying to remain positive. This card also suggests that you try and put your energy into a healthy form of expression and action. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are overcoming grief and worry.
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Ten of Swords
Element: Air
Sun in Gemini
To see this card in a reading suggests that you have suffered through a traumatic experience. You are feeling betrayed, hurt, and completely powerless. Things didn’t go as you expected, and you feel unable to move, pinned down by shock and grief. You are at the end of the road from a long journey, and are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. While you certainly have a right to feel hurt, this card suggests that you should attempt to put this period of suffering to a close. It is time to regain your power. While you may be unsure of how to proceed, try and move forward in any way possible. You can choose to remain, feeling as a victim by the blow you’ve been dealt, or you can regain your power, understanding your potential and beginning anew. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are moving forward from a painful and overwhelming experience.
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Page of Swords
Ruled by Air,
but blended with Earth
Youthful person or energy with a focus on ideas, intellect, communication, and justice.
The Page is a messenger. News or information of importance may be reaching your inbox, voicemail, or DM’s soon.
The Page of Swords also represents the spirit of growth. In element Air, the growth comes in the form of ideas, research, writing, or communication. Now is the time to embrace new wisdom to accomplish your goals.
The Page of Swords also symbolizes justice and the need to stand by your ideas, needs, and personal viewpoints with courage and conviction. This can sometimes result in friction as those who disagree challenge your stance and power.
The Page of Swords also represents youthful energy, and could signify a more curious and open mindset. You might be ready for a new project, likely related to writing, justice, or academia.
This card can also represent someone youthful in your life: a child, teenager, or perhaps an adult with a youthful mindset (which can be either good or bad, depending on their maturity level!).
The elemental combination “Earth of Air” implies that your actions will be most effective through steady efforts (Earth). Root your judgements and thinking with practicality. To see this card reversed in a reading suggests that you are having difficulty moving forward, and acting with the qualities of truth and justice. There may also be power struggles (especially if the Knight, Queen, or King surrounds the reversed Page). Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Trust your intuition and look at the cards that surround the Page to help you decide if the card represents you or someone else.
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Knight of Swords
Ruled by Air,
and blended with even more Air
Fierce person or energy with a focus on ideas, intellect, communication, and justice.
Knights are stubborn and headstrong, and that is especially true with the Knight of Swords. They never back down from a fight.
You might need to stand your ground or speak out against a person or situation that’s causing you harm. Or, cut through the niceties and get to the point. The Knight of Swords implores quick action.
Swords are non-emotional, protective, and assertive. Remove emotion and sentiment from your view and take a logical approach. In assessing a situation, use a critical and discerning eye.
The Knight of Swords sets strong boundaries and doesn’t tolerate fluff or ills. Their approach is firm and unyielding, personally and professionally. If this Knight is on the scene, they’re not caving in! Which can sometimes be their downfall; you (or someone else) could be argumentative, quick to anger, rash, and unwilling to budge or apologize.
The Knight of Swords is unyielding. Be tough, shield yourself, and tell the truth. Although, don’t raise hell if you find you’re standing in the smoke all the time.
Queen of Swords

Ruled by Air,
but blended with Water
Mature, wise feminine person or energy with a focus on ideas, intellect, communication, and justice.
The Queen of Sword is a no-nonsense kind of personality. Their energy is direct, logical, and quick-thinking.
This card asks you to take a non-emotional and brainy approach. In dealings with people, be direct and present the facts. In pursuing your goals, do the research, gather information, and create a plan. The Queen of Sword’s vision is clear and precise. Get analytical with your approach.
I tend to group this card together with Justice, although the Queen’s personality is more seductive. If things aren’t going their way, they’ll turn on the wit and the charm while also dishing out their ruling.
The Queen does not tolerate unfairness or disrespect. They’ll give a thousand mega-watt smile while doling out a death blow to their enemy. The Queen is bewitchingly firm.
This card is a call to be confrontational and outspoken and to draw boundaries so that you are respected. Use facts to discern truth from fiction and act on what they reveal.
King of Swords
Ruled by Air,
but blended with Fire
Mature, wise masculine person or energy with a focus on ideas, intellect, communication, and justice.
Where the Queen of Swords is intellectual, the King is the outward activating force that defines how Air rules. As the King of Swords, you are a natural leader who builds everything through a logical and intellectual approach, favoring an open floor to share opinions and also supporting justice. You have worked hard to build trust with people, through openly listening to the thoughts of others, and creating an environment where ideas are important. You strive to act fairly, by assessing every situation through a logical approach. You are also a great communicator and strive to share your opinions; however emotional aptitude may not be your strength. The elemental combination of “Fire of Air” suggests that you blend the charismatic spark of Fire with the communicative and thoughtful idealistic force of Air. In terms of rank, a King may also be a leader, parent, guardian, or authority figure. To see the King of Swords reversed may indicate that you are having trouble opening up your intellectual side, or that you need to focus less on being guided by thoughts alone. Seeing any court card (a Page, Knight, King, or Queen) in a reading can also represent someone else that may be in (or coming into) your life. Trust your intuition, and look at the cards that surround the court card to help you decide if the King is you or someone else.
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