I took out my newest deck, the Tarot of Tales, and drew some cards about what’s on Tarot’s mind. And it was clear: Tarot wanted to talk about money. So here’s the deal on money for the honeys (that’s you!), and how tarot talks when you ask questions about financial matters. The question posed: How […]
Every year, I make predictions for the Year Ahead. This year, I’m doing something a bit different. I’m supplying the reading in parts, which will be updated throughout December 2024. Below, you’ll find the parts in the order published. 2025 – PART I Tuesday December 10th, 2024 The first card I drew for 2025 is […]
Have you ever had a tarot card follow you around? It starts to get spooky. Especially when it shows up in 80% of your readings like it did for me. And that was my Tower-card-stalker, which started appearing in early 2022 and didn’t quit until May of 2023. It wasn’t just in my readings–it was […]
The strangest tarot reading I’ve ever done was many years ago at an event I was working at in downtown Chicago. It was one of those casual walk-up situations where a venue paid me to provide readings to their customers. A young couple sat down, and the gentleman told me he wanted a reading because […]
Surprise! Like this image, interpreting a tarot card is like trying to unlock a riddle. Or a Rubik’s cube. You twist the card over in your brain and you look at it from every angle. Taking in all its sides, you start to see patterns emerging and unlock the puzzle by seeing how everything […]
Life is freaking hard. There are moments when it becomes surreal–situations that seem stranger than fiction are suddenly staring us down. Or, we experience tremendous loss, heartache, and pain. During intense moments of grief, when I’ve felt betrayed or shocked by life, I’ve asked myself these things: How can this person treat me this way? What […]
The Hanged Man tarot card is the poster child for tarot reversals. This card reminds us that sometimes yielding action is the best action, which is, of course, completely terrifying. Most of us want control all the time. I know I do! It sucks when things don’t go according to plan. Or when we recognize […]
It took me a long time to get love right. I was always drawn to the absolute wrong people. It was the ones with the insane charisma, the folks lighting up the room, that I drifted towards. I was like a moth to a freaking flame. How predictable. After many heartbreaks, I realized the folks […]
We talk about the Major Arcana cards as the cards of spirit or soul, and the Minor Arcana cards as our day-to-day. But what does it mean to have cards that represent the soul? The soul is in constant flux, and the Major Arcana cards show us the place our spirit’s been hanging out. I […]
We all want to know what the future holds. Even I’ve sought out psychics to get a glimpse of what’s around the bend. (Unfortunately, I can read for everyone but myself! I, too, seek out experts.) The challenge is that the future is shaped by the now. And what is happening now can tell you […]
Recently I got to thinking about tarot and trauma. We all know that tarot is a great wellness tool. It shouldn’t replace therapy, but working with tarot can be a powerful visual aid to healing. We talk a lot about the tarot as a spiritual tool, but I rarely hear people talk about tarot and […]
What a fallacy control is. I was raised to believe that if you worked hard and were a good person, life would reward you. It was also instilled in me that you had the power to change your life and control your path. While I do believe we have free will and choice, the reality […]
The spiritual community often talks about energies being of a high or low vibration. High-vibration energies are considered to be connected to Spirit, the Divine, Gods, Goddesses, and the Higher Self (to name a few). Tarot readers, reiki healers, and all manner of spiritual practitioners sometimes talk about raising their own vibrations in order to […]
I saw a video Fiona Apple recently posted on TikTok, and it was inspiring. She talked about a technique she’s using to find greater joy throughout her day. Every time something positive happens – even something as small as noticing a tree – she pauses and focuses on the moment and experience for thirty seconds. […]
Court Cards (the Page, Knight, Queen, and King cards) can be some of the most challenging cards to interpret in a reading. They can represent any of the following: So, how do you know what the card represents? It depends on the question asked. If you are doing a reading about self-reflection, then the qualities […]
I was recently reminded that the art of reading the cards (and all psychic work, really) is not just about the ability to know and see other people’s reality. It doesn’t matter how psychic or talented you are; if you don’t create a loving space to support people, you’re not serving their (or your) highest […]
Look for the clues. There are always signs that tell us about our lives. Yes, intuition is involved, but so is logic. So many headaches and heartaches could be avoided if we just looked for the clues. We call them red flags, but their color can be slightly more subtle than red. With family, friends, […]
I do believe that tarot cards can predict the future. Tarot is a powerful tool, so care must be taken with predictions. Predictions can cause more harm than good in some cases. In other cases, predictions are a lifesaver. I avoid predictions that I feel would harm the Seeker to know. When you tell someone […]
Life has become easier for me when I recognize that it’s both colorful and horrific. Try it. It’s nice to realize you can enjoy things when they’re going good, and when they’re not, throw up your hands with “oh well to hell” because you seriously can’t control everything. Light and shadow are always together, BFF’s […]
I’ve been told many times growing up that life is tough and not fair, and that everyone had it much worse than me. In other words–toughen up kid. (You gen X folks know what I’m talking about.) The only thing that being “tough” brought me was a disconnect from my body, feelings, and reality. Do […]
Chakras. You’ve heard of ’em, right? If not, here’s the quick of it: They’re spinning wheels of light in your energetic body. There are seven basic chakras, each correlating with different aspects of Self and life. Check out the above ‘lil picture I drew to see their deal. Each chakra will spin brighter and happier […]
Today I am back to suffering. To remembering that the condition of being human is to suffer. I’m not a nihilist, but I am a realist. We spend so much of our time trying to be happier. The drive to be happy is important; it keeps us shifting our reality in new ways. To not […]
We talk a lot about the fool’s journey in the tarot, but what does that even mean? Most folks think of The Fool card as the hero about to embark on a quest. However the Fool–as we can gather by name–has not experienced any hardships and is floating into the world a new soul. The […]
Air is refreshingly and at times, painfully clear–like when you breathe in that sharp 0° winter into your lungs. Here’s what the clarity of AIR (and therefore Swords) means in a reading:– You know what you need to do, as difficult as it may be– You know who and what isn’t serving you, and you […]
I’ve been there. Falling in love too fast. Feeling swept away. Or, feeling swept into the corner and sitting alone. I’ve been passionately in love or felt desperately alone many a time before. Which was part of the problem. I was disheartened about being alone, and in doing so, choosing the wrong people. The only […]
When you grow you outgrow. As your branches extend higher and you create new buds and fruits, the decayed limbs fall off. As you stretch and extend, you find a deepening sense of You-ness. What is not you begins to fall away. Your soul knows where it needs to go: this is who you are, […]
This is temporary. Body? Temporary. Suffering? Temporary. Joy? It’s all fleeting and impermanent.🖤The good news is that life changes. The bad news is that life changes. And the weird news is the flow between them never ends.🖤Do you ever see yourself returning to memories, activities, situations, and patterns from the past as you make your […]
* We all use people. We might befriend someone because we know that they’ll round out our lives in a certain way. One friend may be a great emotional support. Another might be a creative inspiration. Someone we admire might be a professional contact. We all gravitate to people that offer us something. You could […]
The giant Ymir is one of my favorite beings in mythology. From Nordic myth, the giant Ymir was the first being in the world, born out of the meeting between fire (Muspelheim) and ice (Niflheim). They converged out of a dark void, and as the force of fire and ice met, there was a great […]
Sometimes I forget how important silence is. I was reminded of how powerful it is, recently through the movie Sound of Metal which I saw over the weekend. I won’t summarize the whole movie (watch it and read about it online!), but what amazed me most about it was the call to silence. After losing […]
Sadness is something we’re all familiar with. Tragedy strikes. A bad day happens. Someone we love hurts us. There are millions of ways to be hurt and feel pain. It’s much better to feel happy, to feel good about life, to feel settled. To feel comfortable. It’s wonderful when we feel that way. But life, […]
Let’s be real. We have to wear a lot of masks. The family mask. The work mask. The who-are-we-to-different-friends mask. There are so many versions of ourselves that we step into every day. Different sides of ourselves come out, some true to our heart, others a bit more coaxed. Does that make any of those […]
In my readings, I talk a lot about trusting your intuition. But what does that mean? The adage “trusting your gut,” or “listening to your heart” are phrases that suggest the intuitive sense is felt deeply in our bodies. If you’ve ever made an important decision that you’ve felt “sick to your stomach” over, this […]
If you’re like me, you never stop creating and reaching for the stars. When I wake up everyday, I am excited to live my life and feel in stride with my purpose. I never take for granted that I get to do something I love with my life. I love having ambition, but sometimes it’s […]
Most women can relate to the idea of resisting traditionally submissive roles. This seems to be why popular culture is so into the Goddess Lilith in recent years. Apparently Lilith was all the rage on the Sabrina the Witch Netflix series (first aired in 2018). I don’t know, because I just couldn’t go into the world […]