The Five of Swords is a duel between sides.
You might be feeling attacked or embroiled in conflict. Others may stand against you, or you might feel unsupported in your ventures. Do you fight back or retreat? This is what the Five of Swords asks.
The answer is that “it depends.” Are you the only one impacted? The Five of Swords can indicate a group dynamic; multiple people feel the brunt of someone’s low blows, and standing together might effectively bring change. On a more symbolic level, the path forward requires a team or strategy to beat the resistance you’re facing.
Also, is fighting against the assailant worth it? Consider your goal and ask if the stress of the battle merits the reward gained.
If you decide to take up arms, the energy of element Air and Swords are needed. Together, they encourage communication, boundary-setting, and being clear with your objectives. Factual statements help your cause. Leave emotion at the door.
The attacker in the Five of Swords could also be you. You might be lashing out at others, overreacting to perceived threats, or acting impulsively. You might do so out of fear of criticism and pain–you’re hurting others before they can hurt you. You might crave companionship but sabotage your ability to connect. Ironically, you fear being alone, but do what leaves you solitary. Healing this pattern might require therapy and additional tools. Use any and all resources available, always!
The battle depicted in the Five of Swords might be more psychological. You could be facing inner enemies. The various figures could be aspects of your pain or experiences; everyone stands separately, and you’re tasked with rounding up the crew and seeing how the parts make up the whole.
As circumstances, the Five of Swords represent the fight for survival or the desire to thrive despite roadblocks and challenges. You might need to beef up and affirm your strength. It’s also possible that certain pathways are blocked for a reason. Have you thought of a different route? The Five of Swords could be a call to strategize.
When this card is drawn reversed, you might be blind to someone’s mean side and fail to see how they hurt you. Alternatively, you might be causing others pain but cannot see what you’re doing.
The Five of Swords reversed can also be a warning; someone might not be all they seem, or the battle you hope to win is most likely not worth the effort and stress. Psychologically, the reversal of this card feels like shattering outdated self-images or patterns. While painful, the break can bring the possibility of reconfiguring your soul to better fit where you want to be.
Tarot Spread
If you want to dig deeper into the Five of Swords, get them out of your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!