The Four of Wands is alight with hope, love, and celebration.
And how great it is! This card most often heralds happy occasions like marriage, celebratory gatherings, and rites of passage. You might also be reaching new levels of accomplishment, whether professional or personal. There’s a fortuitous blend of skills and connections, or personally, emotional alchemy achieved through individuation; disparate parts are joined, and self-love reigns. This leads to confidence and the sense that anything is possible.
This card also bodes well for friendships and connections. You’re finding your people and opportunities or experiencing what feels like a homecoming. You could also be moving, traveling, or making a big change that brings you closer to the ideal vision you have for your life. You might attend social gatherings or events that open up doors. The Four of Wands is life’s pieces falling into place.
Although this card is early in the Suit of Wands; four’s are a solid base (think four corners of a square), but a journey still lies ahead. Following the dynamic searching in Wands’ cards one through three, the four brings a moment of triumph. Something is set in place.
There is still work to come, and life chapters need an outline. But you have the benefit of a solid foundation to work from. The safety and comfort of your life will make it easier to create the future you envision.
When drawn reversed, this card can change happy occasions into idyllic fantasies. You might be looking for an easy fix in life or obsessed with the search for love. Seeking external sources of validation leaves you unfulfilled and lends a feeling of isolation and lack. Returning to your inner world and cultivating potential here is the remedy.
The reversal of this card can also suggest unhappy unions or happiness but to a lesser degree. You might be deadlocked or, alternatively, underappreciating life’s gifts. You’re faced with breaking away, or in the case of mental blocks, needing to see the goodness; the view is wider than you believe.
The Four of Wands brings all that is joyful into your sphere and asks you to stroll under its flowering canopy. If you’re amiss of bliss, reshape your world so new shoots of greenery can grow.
Tarot Spread
If you are drawn to the Four of Wands and want to dig deeper, get the card out of your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!