
Judgement is awakening.

You’re stepping out of slumber and living in color. You’re ditching the veil and the layers of decoration. Working with Judgement is coming home.

Judgement comes with decision. You might have recently come to an “aha” moment, recognizing when you haven’t been yourself or have shaped yourself to fit other people’s needs. Judgement is the commitment to embrace your spirit and way of moving through the world.

Living your truth also comes with a shift in perspective. What was once out of reach feels attainable. Limits seem less limiting, and perimeters feel less confining. To work with Judgement is to make a choice to see possibility in place of difficulty.

While all these changes open you up, doors may close. Who you were no longer works, which means people and extraneous commitments can fall away.

With change comes friction. The people around you might struggle with your new form, especially when you no longer fit the picture that best serves them. New boundaries may be needed.

The decision-centric aspect of this card is both spiritual and literal. You might change direction in your career, end or shift your relationship(s), or pack up in search of new adventures. Judgement implies that you can trust yourself to make good choices.

When Judgement is drawn reversed, you might deny the need for change, halt or slow down the decision-making process, or conversely, change your life hastily. Look to surrounding cards and check in with yourself. Are you avoiding what feels inevitable? Or are you leaving a situation that stabilizes and supports you? Self-sabotage is a real bugger.

In relationships, the reversed Judgement card can mean feeling stuck, gaslit, or not seen for all you are and give. You might also feel judged, restricted, and unsupported.

Sometimes, this card connects to angels, the afterlife, and music. I’ve seen it pulled in mediumship readings where loved ones have crossed over and want to tell them about their new life beyond the veil. In the Rider-Waite Smith tarot, an angel welcomes the travelers. The imagery also suggests divine protection.

The trumpet brings a feeling of rejoicing. The sounds spilling out might be a musical breakthrough or a creative threshold crossed that awakens something.

Judgement is new life, but it’s centered in who you’ve always been. Embrace all of the things that make you, you, and follow where that takes you.


Tarot Spread

If you are drawn to the Judgement card and want to dig deeper, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!