Justice is personal. It’s political. It’s subjective.
Someone or something isn’t living up to your ethical code, and you’ve got to make a choice, set boundaries, or call out bad manners. Justice is the act of setting the scales straight. You’re asked to hold to your truth, measuring what’s right and wrong to restore balance.
Your principles may also want a voice in your workplace or another area. Faced with corruption or polarity, you’re turning to integrity to call out the shady stuff or find an acceptable compromise. For the best outcome, come armed with solutions, and a list of consequences should shadiness continue. With Justice, you can’t expect progress without enforcing rules or setting boundaries.
This card can relate to the political and justice system. You might be standing up for causes that matter or making your way through the court system. You could be facing litigation, finding your way through laws and legalities, or otherwise dealing with matters that require checking all the boxes and crossing all the T’s. Justice can be process-oriented and nit-picky. You’re advised to do things by the book.
When Justice appears, doing the right thing can extend beyond self-preservation and into the collective; you want to make a difference. You could be pursuing a law degree or fighting for your social or political views; Justice represents your worldview or interests.
If you’re asking about the outcome of a legal case, Justice drawn upright portends the outcome will likely be favorable. Reversed, Justice is not all you hoped it would be or advises another route. (As is always the case with any tarot reading, consult professionals in the field and decide based on your assessment!.)
In a relationship reading or questioning circumstances, Justice reversed suggests that you either compromise too much or not enough. If drawn about someone else, Justice suggests they might be hyper-focused on their needs or feel you’re treating them unfairly. In a more literal read, a person of interest (or someone you’re asking about) could face litigation, divorce, or another morally sticky situation.
When drawn reversed, you might have trouble sticking to your rules or pursuing a course of action that protects you. You might struggle to stand up for yourself or see the disparity in how you’re being treated. You might be gaslit–something’s not right, but you’re not ready to see it.
Justice reversed could also indicate extreme narcissism. You have this sense that no one is right but you or that everyone is immoral and off-base. In readings about others, expect this walled-off attitude to show in their actions.
This card mostly speaks on a personal level. Are the scales balanced or tipped? Observe the weight on each side and take steps to even them out.
Tarot Spreads
If you are drawn to the Justice card and want to dig deeper, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!