The Knight of Swords is stubborn, headstrong, and determined. They never back down from a fight.
You might need to stand your ground or speak out. You could be defending yourself or your turf or realizing you’ve been in a situation compromising your power. Working with the Knight of Swords can be a call to battle.
You’re asked to be direct, unyielding, and firm in dealings with people. You’ll want to cut through the niceties and get to the point. You’ll also need to establish clear boundaries as you share your truth.
The Knight of Swords implores quick action or suggests unexpected energies moving in. You might act on an opportunity or follow a course of action that had been unplanned. The Knight of Swords brings urgency and sudden changes.
The aggressive and confrontational energies of the Knight can also be their downfall. You might be quick to anger, argumentative, or headstrong to a fault. You might also be focused on justice and “winning” at the expense of your safety; ask yourself if it’s worth the fight.
The Knight of Swords indicates reactivity. Examine your response to this card and consider the question asked to know if the Knight is a positive advisor or an Achilles’ heel.
When drawn reversed, the rash and unyielding qualities of the Knight are more likely to be a stumbling block, either in yourself or someone else (Knights, like all Court Cards, can represent someone else in your life). You might need to slow down and keep a cool head. Or, in the case of a destabilizing force, bolt out of there. Reversed, this card’s fast-acting energy urges a different direction.
If you have difficulty standing up for yourself or taking action, the reversed Knight asks you to look at the underlying cause for hesitancy. You could be repressing something that needs to be unearthed or examined.
When channeled well, the Knight of Swords is the determination to prevail in the face of peril or uncertainty and to call out b.s. when you see it.
Tarot Spread
If you want to dig deeper into the Knight of Swords, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!