My Predictions for 2025

Every year, I make predictions for the Year Ahead. This year, I’m doing something a bit different. I’m supplying the reading in parts, which will be updated throughout December 2024.

Below, you’ll find the parts in the order published.

2025 – PART I

Tuesday December 10th, 2024

The first card I drew for 2025 is the Nine of Pentacles, reversed. I’m displaying it upright here so we can see the image clearly.

The lush garden of this feminine figure is something she built, coin by coin. Her dress is made of the purest silk and bears a flowery pattern that resembles the planetary sign for Venus; the planet devoted to feminine power, luxury, and the arts. It’s obvious from this card that this is a symbol of women’s freedom; it’s not been too long since women gained the right to vote, open bank accounts, and secure jobs that could compete with men’s salaries.

This woman has built her own wealth and life. Her home is hers, and her garden is a haven. She is granted the protection of rights, body, and property.

As the card was drawn reversed, the power of the Nine of Pentacles is in peril. Her rights are weakened or stripped away. We suffered the first blow with the reversal of Roe V Wade. We may see the scraping of anti-discrimination laws for women, LGBTQ+, and BIPOC folks (already in progress), as well as Project 2025’s horrid plan to enact a no-fault divorce ban. It may be more challenging for women to secure property or maintain independence.

I also noticed how covered she is with layers of clothing. With a country leaning toward christian fascism, I wonder how further attempts to control the female body may come up through clothing or appearance. Then again, perhaps women, in fear of violence from men, could start to dress differently.

I also keep feeling kimono vibes from this. Kiminos are Japanese but originated from robes worn in China. We already know Trump has plans to increase tariffs on China. It doesn’t take a psychic to tell you that this will likely increase tensions with this country.

This card also represents wealth in general. We may see an economic slowdown by the end of the year.

In this garden, she is surrounded by grapes. Americans might expect to see supply chain issues with food, prices to rise, or changes in how our food is regulated.

It’s also interesting to note the feeling of luxury, and how the reversal of this card also indicate the ultra-wealthy; let’s hope the card’s reversal is also about increasing scrutiny of billionaires. Maybe we’ll luck out and some powerful wealthy women will step up and start taking action.

So what can we do?

I know how maddening it is to read these heavy words. I don’t want to leave you with nothing to hope or work towards. So, I drew a card for advice.

And what an awesome card to get! We have Judgement.



The first thing I felt was the judicial system. One meaning of the Judgement card relates to the courts. So, our state supreme courts and, hopefully, branches of government will step up to build protections against the SCOTUS ruling on Roe V Wade and other human rights they try to erode. So, the good news is that all is not lost!

Archangel Gabriel appears in the Judgement card as a heavenly messenger. Many people see angels as christian, but did you know that angelic beings appear across cultures and religions? They can appear as light-beings or with terrifying and beautiful flame-cloaked wings.

I believe angels are ascended beings who have taken on the task of helping people and humanity. We will have some divine protection. The angel trumpeting is an awakening for people to step up and fight back; there are warriors beyond the veil helping us. Everyone jokes that we are waiting for the aliens in the ocean (and wherever) to help us. Maybe that ain’t so far from the truth!

I’m also happy to see the family on this card; families are fighting back and standing together. The figures rising up are a symbol of rebirth, and I think we can feel the energy building.

When I look at this card and think of what we can do as individuals, I see love and unity. Figures on both sides of the river are raising their arms together. As the divine repersents pure love, we see that love is what changes the world – not hate and division.

Get involved with your community. Gather with friends. Call your elected officials. And try to connect to yourself through righteous self-love and fierce defiance.

Stay tuned for more predictions to be released on Tuesday, December 17th. 



2025 – PART II

Tuesday, December 17th, 2024

This card has haunted my Year Ahead readings for a few years. We see the Tower come up when there’s upheaval, whether in our personal lives or nationwide.

The Tower is absolutely on par with what’s happening in our country. We are in uncertain times.

On this card, figures fall from a lightning-stricken tower. There’s a storm hitting, and much like the hurricane I experienced, there will be damage. Buildings and institutions we rely on are shifting or being obliterated.

I don’t know how severe the damage will be.

I keep thinking that for America to rise, we must learn our lesson: that racism, sexism, and classism hurts us all and that oligarchy breeds injustice. Will it take some form of significant loss for the American people to unite on this? The Tower seems to suggest that, Yes, it will.

I see the figures falling from the Tower as symbolic on several fronts. The falling of a crowned king implies that those in power will not stay in power indefinitely, though they will try. By trying to insulate themselves in an ivory tower of wealth, they are creating a prison that leads to their eventual downfall. I don’t know if that downfall will come this year or later down the line, but make no mistake – Kings do not rule forever.

If we consider the figures falling from the Tower as people like you and I, then we are not faring well, my friends. We can expect those in the government towers and buildings to shake up our security.

We may see this in the form of decreased funding for federal programs. We’ve been seeing the news about VA benefits poised for the chopping block and vague threats around Social Security. It makes me sad to say that there will likely be some damage to government managed funds that BELONG TO THE PEOPLE (and not them. Just so you know where I stand on the issue).

I can also see the Tower as a shake-up to the stock market, potential war or global conflicts, or overall strife in the homeland. I am sorry to say I can’t tell you exactly what will happen, just that some of the above are likely to apply.

The good news is that the Tower is about as dark as it gets. I mentioned the lightning on the card. Rachel Pollack described this as a jolt of insight which destroys but also illuminates. Revolutions aren’t had without an awakening, and the awakening can be fierce.


So what can we do?

I have the King of Cups when I ask what we can do. This echoes what I said last week,  something my Qigong teacher Mela said that’s been on my mind.

“It’s love that will change the world, not fear.”

And that’s what I see with the King of Cups.

The King of Cups represents mastery and innovation of the emotional realm. As the King sits on the throne above the sea, they show awareness of the turbulent waters below.

We all need to do our shadow work and tend to our inner world. Rest, meditation, and all the things that show kindness and compassion to ourselves also allow us to show greater compassion to others.

I also hope the King here is a new kind of leader. One who leads through collaboration, connection, and compassion. I think this card is a good sign that a benevolent and caring leader will eventually return.

In the meantime, let’s nurture our spirits and each other.


2025 – PART III

Tuesday, December 24th, 2024

The Five of Swords seems obvious in meaning. A man with orange hair (we all know who that is! I will call him orange cringe) stands alone, defeating his enemies. He holds three swords in hand, and the swords carried by his enemies have been abandoned and lay at orange cringe’s feet. The two swordsmen in the distance walk away and are hurt emotionally and physically.

This is a dark image. It speaks of power, violence, and selfishness. Orange cringe is smirking, proud of hurting others and defeating challengers.

In 2025, we will see unprecedented power grabs. Swords also rule element air, the element connected to communication. We will see media ownership transferring to the wealthy. Unbiased news sources will dwindle.

It’s possible orange cringe could militarize the army against us. I am not sure. I don’t like how he is holding all the swords and proud of subduing all challengers. Part of me wonders if that is what all the drones are about: surveillance and other preparations are in progress to contain we the people. (I’m sorry. I don’t believe the powers-that-be don’t know what these drones are.) If you notice, two swords are pointing up to the sky, and the clouds are jagged and ominous, reinforcing dangers from the sky.

The thing with the Five of Swords is that the dominant figure didn’t need the two swords. He already had three, to begin with. The billionaire class isn’t taking what they need to live; they are taking what they want to hoard, leaving us with little to live on and protect our life force with. We see this in simple terms with healthcare, food, and high prices for living spaces, which leave us vulnerable to living our lives.

I was a little shocked to see this card. It’s so freaking literal.

I conferred with my husband on this card, and he pointed out that despite winning, orange cringe stands alone.

We are already seeing some of this in real time. Orange cringe is running out of a fresh supply of talent. Lawyers and knolwedgeable officials don’t trust the cringe; he’s turning to loyalists who don’t have experience to run important positions.

I feel that his loyalists will also be left out to dry.

When I look at the figure closest to orange cringe, I get the sense that he is shocked to have been wounded. They are dressed in similar garb; they were fighting on the same team, until cringe realized he could take what he had, too.

If you create enough enemies, eventually they will turn on you. He may win for now and in 2025, but I don’t believe those victories will be long-lived.

The thing is, I don’t see this orange cringey fellow as very smart. I think he’s a malignant narcissist stuck in a teenage brain, as is suggested by the age of this figure. And when you are a narcissist, you’re not able to think about things other than your own needs. I think this will also be a part of the cringe downfall; he’s not able to strategize and see all of the moving parts.

Narcissists don’t share the stage. They want the starring role and all eyes on him. How do you think it felt for orange cringe when musky butt tweeted direct orders calling for the government shut down? I can’t imagine cringe was too happy about that. In fact, we saw the government funding package come through in the final hours, with orange cringe proudly proclaiming that he helped the deal come through.

The power challenge must have infuriated cringe, and I suppose the good in that came in his rebelling from the musky butt – who I think is much more dangerous than the cringe.

In a narcissist’s world, there’s only room for one golden toilet to piss in, and orange cringe wants that shitter all to himself. Make no mistake: eventually the rich will destroy each other.

I know this is incredibly dark, but it also gives me hope.

So, what do we do?

I ask this with another card I drew for advice for us all in dealing with this insanity.

The Three of Swords often freaks people out, but in the context of this reading, I love this card.

We see the three swords held by cringe falling out of the heart, as the card sits reversed.

There will be incredible pain and sorrow, but there will also be healing. We will get through this.

And we will do this by experiencing grief and witnessing the pain around us. It is our collective pain and our betrayal (which the Three of Swords is about) that will unite us. They may have all the money, but the people united outnumber the elite.

On a personal level, the Three of Swords is us doing the work of healing and living in self-compassion. It’s through tending to our needs and our community’s needs that will bring us together.

We witnessed this during the floods in Western NC. People of all beliefs banded together to help each other when nothing was left.

Our hearts hold everything. It is our capacity for love and the ability to understand our betrayal that will unite us in battling the swords holding sway.

2025 – PART IV – Conclusion

Thursday, January 2nd, 2025

I drew three predictive cards for 2025. These cards were the Nine of Pentacles, the Tower, and the Five of Swords. In previous weeks, I explored each card in-depth. I’m concluding with a quick summary.

The Nine of Pentacles symbolized physical autonomy and the rights of women and the disenfranchised to secure wealth and independence. As the card was drawn reversed, rights and security are in peril.

Those who rule from places of power, towers, and skyscrapers (the Tower card) weaken the system but, in doing so, weaken themselves. The crown falling from the tower represents destruction and revolution together.

The final card, the Five of Swords, shows an orange-haired man, which I assume is Orange Man (you know who I’m talking about!). He holds the swords and is victorious over his enemies but now stands alone. He becomes more powerful and less influential at once.

This is just the tip of the iceberg and not the whole story, but I hope it gives you a sense of what to expect! Perhaps we’ll explore more as the year goes by.



I drew three cards for advice for the collective in 2025. Here is a summary of what I wrote about previously.

The celebratory feeling of Judgement is a reminder to live joyfully. Be who you are and live your life as you want. Judgement is a reminder that you have choice in how you rise up!

I also see Judgement as a reminder that our collective good outweighs–and will triumph over–the bad. Even if it takes time.

The King of Cups and Three of Swords appear to be in dialogue as the king turns their head to the sky in the Three. There will be grief raining down on us; some heartbreaking things will happen, but the sensitive and benevolent King of Cups tells us that love and connection are here. Our love saves us and each other.

We must understand our grief (the Three of Swords) and sit in power with all we feel. This is suggested by The King of Cups, the King of Feeling. Their power is in relishing the full range of their emotions. This year, take the time to process the grief of loss along with the celebration of what you love.

So there it is!

Love yourself fiercely. Hold yourself with compassion. Love your community, family, and friends. We are stronger together.



A Recap: My Predictions from 2024

Here are some of the cards I pulled for 2024 and the predictions I found most poignant. I think it’s helpful to reflect on where we’ve been.


From my deck, Creatures of the Moon

Snail is a slow-moving, sensual creature. They are one with their body, and in procreation, they are one as well. Snail is gender-fluid. Rock! 

This year we might see developments around trans rights and continuing efforts to bring protections back for all bodies. Although, Snail is indeed slow-moving. Progress in the U.S. is, at times, barely visible, not only for trans rights but for all rights. 

I see it as a lack of clear definition. In other words, watch for words from leaders to be so vague it’s like they’re saying nothing at all. It could also mean people change sides or alliances quickly. Everyone is slippery, and no one wants to be accountable for what’s happening.”



From my deck, the Shadowspeak Oracle

Anger is the shadow work the world is confronted with, especially in the U.S. Everyone feels angry for different reasons. And the weird thing about anger is that it causes oppression and it causes revolution. These two energies are battling it out, pushing and pulling, and we are watching this ugly tug of war and standing on the side of human rights. 


The Tower

Metaphorically, it feels like we are all dealing with the horrors of injustice and on some level, the gaslighting we feel about this. It’s like everyone is denying the violent push from the towers, while also denying the alligators are dangerous as they bite our legs off. Every Human is tired of the abuse.

If we think about this card literally, we’re dealing with systems of power that topple and wage war. Towers are the skyscrapers of capitalism and the structures that are supposed to protect but most often imprison.

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