The Page of Wands asks you to expand your sense of what’s possible.
Have you pegged yourself a certain way? Are you limiting how you express yourself? Are you sticking to what’s safe? The Page of Wands appears when we’ve shut ourselves off from unrealized aspects of ourselves or our lives.
The Page of Wands invites you to reinvent your persona, attitude, or way of moving through the world. Latent aspects or unknown parts of yourself want to break through. It’s time to get curious about who you can be–not who you think you should be.
Wands and their corresponding element, fire, represent passion, spark, and creativity. You might be pursuing the arts, a new hobby, or changing direction in some area of your life. The Page of Wands encourages you to take risks or, at the least, try your hand at something new.
In a reading about friendships, the Page of Wands could indicate growth in creative circles or the need to meet new people. Because the Page of Wands can symbolize a shifting identity, the person you’re becoming might outgrow the circle you’ve stuck to. New people can help you assimilate to the new you.
In a romantic reading where you are partnered, the Page of Wands might encourage you to change up your intimacy routine, reignite the spark, or deepen your connection by doing new things together. Through new experiences and hobbies, you learn new things about each other.
If you are romantically seeking, the Page of Wands invites you to unexplored avenues for finding partnership(s). If representing someone else, the Page of Wands would suggest their curiosity is piqued, but the deeper connection and outcome remains to be seen.
The person(s) of interest might also embody the qualities of the Page: they are creative, open, and curious about life. Because the Page represents potential, they open up a sense of possibility for you.
Because the Page also symbolizes innocence and the underdeveloped, their lack of limits can also make them ungrounded or at worst, unreliable. This is more so the case if the card appears reversed.
This card, along with all tarot Pages, can represent children. In a question involving a child or youth, you can expect a creative spirit or if seeking pregnancy (or to start a family), a possible birth or adoption.
Because the Page represents the latent or underdeveloped, the reversal of this card can express those qualities either in excess or lack. In love readings, I often see the Page of Wands appear reversed when the Seeker is dealing with someone who is emotionally stunted or unreliable.
The Page of Wands can also represent a life event. An opportunity might be coming your way. If drawn reversed, you might experience a delay. You might also need to rethink your options. Look to surrounding cards to confirm the correct interpretation.
The Page of Wands is the realization that nothing has to stay the same, which is both wonderfully invigorating and completely terrifying. Break the limits you set for yourself.
If you are drawn to the Page of Wands and want to dig deeper, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!
Greer, Mary. Archetypal Tarot. San Francisco, CA: Weiser Books, 2011.
Greer, Mary. Tarot Reversals. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2002.
Pollack, Rachel. Tarot Wisdom. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2008.
Snow, Cassandra. Queering the Tarot. Newburyport, MA: Weiser Books, 2019.
Tea, Michelle. Modern Tarot. New York, NY: Harper Collins: 2017.
Wen, Benebell. Holistic Tarot: An Integrative Approach to Using Tarot for Personal Growth. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2015.