The Seven of Swords is about what’s happening behind the scenes.
This card represents all things sneaky and secret: the actions of others we don’t see, what we’re missing, and what’s running away from us.
In relationships, the person(s) we’re wrapped around may be less enchanted and slipping away. They might be cheating, emotionally checked out, or involved in something you don’t know about. The slipperiness of the figure on this card also suggests a getaway; someone you like bolts when things get serious.
So, regarding others, the Seven of Swords asks you to connect with your intuition. What does your gut say? Are there signs or signals that tell you something’s off?
It’s also possible that the slippery party is just not ready to show the true them. Look to surrounding cards to see if shyness seems to be a temporary shield or a case of a more permanent hermit.
In a career reading, the Seven of Swords can suggest dishonesty, gossip, or backstabbing from colleagues. Or, a shift may be underway, and you’ll be the last to know. The hidden qualities of this card suggest that it’s time to perk up your eyes, listen, and question what you see.
Regarding financial matters, the Seven of Swords is a swindler, thief, and resource stealer. Money is going out, and the source needs to be confronted. This card’s trickster quality can also be a chide at ignorance; you might need to see where you’re bleeding out.
On the other hand, maybe you’re acting covertly. You might be squirreling away money or creating a secret plan that helps you blast out of brick and mortar.
The Seven of Swords can have a heroic quality, too. You or someone you know may be working behind the scenes to bring love and benevolence. The act is well-meaning (and likely to be successful) but also irksome.
When the Seven of Swords is drawn reversed, the stealthy cheater (or the one on the receiving end) aims to end their betrayal. Healing begins, or justice follows.
If you are drawn to the Magician and want to dig deeper, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!