The Six of Cups represents gifts of the heart.
Now might be a time to help others in need and to love unconditionally. Your love is the most profound gift you can give.
The love you give may be internalized. You might need to shower yourself with compliments and love. Take time to appreciate how bright and kind your spirit is.
This card is often associated with childhood. It can represent healing your inner child, working with past traumas, or focusing on family upbringing and dynamics. You might need to nurture the child within, keep them safe, and honor their feelings, thoughts, and needs. After all, adults are still vulnerable! Are we not?
This card can also represent children in the seeker’s life, or someone else’s kids (if asking about someone else). Kids may play a part in your decision or path. Your line of work may serve youth or have a link to charity, families, or helping those in need.
The purity of this card makes it a good one for love. Someone you’re inquiring about seems to be open and selfless. Look to surrounding cards and get a gut check to ensure that’s true!
Professionally, the Six of Cups can be a new opportunity presented or a gift received. While there may be some financial gain, the gold may pay itself in people power. The relational connections and networks you’re offered are the sweet deal.
If you see yourself as the one giving in this card, you could be offering others opportunities, working for free, or getting a leg up by offering your services and talents in a humble, generous way. You might be enriching your community.
When reversed, the Six of Cups is less giving. The scales aren’t balanced, and the energy goes out and is scarcely refilled. You might need to rethink a relationship or circumstances that feel one-sided. Setting boundaries and pulling back helps stop the energy suck.
Another take on a reversal is childlike behavior. Someone can’t grow up or share their heart as an equal. You or someone else might be closed off, trapped in the past, or self-serving.
Life is good when your cups are balanced, upright, and shared. Embrace what flows both ways.
If you are drawn to the Six of Cups and want to dig deeper, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!