The Six of Pentacles is about the potential and pitfalls of money.
On a personal level, it can be about power dynamics in relationships.
In a professional read, this card reminds us we need access to resources like healthcare and social infrastructure to support our basic needs. Further up the capitalist food chain, we look for security beyond survival, hoping for a fulfilling job that pays well. Where are you on this ladder? This card might be a call to consider where you are on the rungs.
This card might encourage you to ask for what you need, as the theme of justice is prominent. Do you need a raise? More support from your boss or your community? What is it that can balance out your world and give you greater security? Look to your immediate environment.
Although you might see yourself as the one with the dough or resources. Maybe you’ve got some money (or the energy) to help those around you. This could mean connecting with your community or working for a non-profit. You could be doing something else for the greater good.
If this card appears in a personal reading, you might question whether or not to pursue an opportunity presented: you’re faced with a difficult choice.
Romantically, you could be looking at the scales of justice and asking who holds the power. Are things balanced in your relationship(s)? Is there an emotional deficit or an abuse of power? The Six of Pentacles asks you to examine the structural dynamics of your relationship(s).
When this card appears reversed, you might deny your needs or struggle financially. On the flip side, if you’re sitting on the throne, you could be abusing your power or failing to see how your choices impact others. You might also be at an impasse in some area of your life and need to make some changes.
The Six of Pentacles is a call towards justice and security in some way, whether you stand on the up or underside of the coin.
Tarot Spread
If you are drawn to the Six of Pentacles and want to dig deeper, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!