Tag: Tarot

A drawing of a girl with a key

Look for the Clues

Look for the clues. There are always signs that tell us about our lives. Yes, intuition is involved, but so is logic. So many headaches and heartaches could be avoided if we just looked for the clues. We call them red flags, but their color can be slightly more subtle than red. With family, friends, […]

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Chakras, Chakra meanings, Chakra and Tarot cards

Chakras and Tarot Cards

Chakras. You’ve heard of ’em, right? If not, here’s the quick of it: They’re spinning wheels of light in your energetic body. There are seven basic chakras, each correlating with different aspects of Self and life. Check out the above ‘lil picture I drew to see their deal. Each chakra will spin brighter and happier […]

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The Elements in Tarot

The elements are well–elemental in tarot. They matter. Sometimes they do the heavy lifting in a reading, and at other times they act as the back-up singers.  When I first look at a card in a reading, I assess what’s happening in the imagery. What is the environment? Are there figures, and what are they doing? […]

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Sensitivity, I'm sensitive, Self-compassion,

On Suffering

Today I am back to suffering. To remembering that the condition of being human is to suffer. I’m not a nihilist, but I am a realist. We spend so much of our time trying to be happier. The drive to be happy is important; it keeps us shifting our reality in new ways. To not […]

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The Fool's Journey, the Hero's Journey

The Fool’s Journey

We talk a lot about the fool’s journey in the tarot, but what does that even mean? Most folks think of The Fool card as the hero about to embark on a quest. However the Fool–as we can gather by name–has not experienced any hardships and is floating into the world a new soul. The […]

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Drawing, Art, illustration, witch, laughing eye weeping eye, rebecca schoenecker

Saying Yes to No

Saying no takes some getting used to. The No I am talking about is the type where you are asked to do something you really don’t want to do. Your friend wants you to come over late at night, and says this is the only time available for her. Your job asks you to cancel […]

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Let’s be real. We have to wear a lot of masks. The family mask. The work mask. The who-are-we-to-different-friends mask. There are so many versions of ourselves that we step into every day. Different sides of ourselves come out, some true to our heart, others a bit more coaxed. Does that make any of those […]

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