I was recently reminded that the art of reading the cards (and all psychic work, really) is not just about the ability to know and see other people’s reality. It doesn’t matter how psychic or talented you are; if you don’t create a loving space to support people, you’re not serving their (or your) highest potential.
We are awfully mean to ourselves. The expectations we have for success and happiness are so dang high. A reading should lift you up, not beat you down.
A reading helps deepen your connection to your spirit, affirm your power, and help you find greater self-compassion in your complex, upward-climbing journey.
The language we use is essential. For example, if you are reading someone’s cards and you feel like they are not using all of their gifts in life, you could focus on their lack of self-confidence and the things they are failing to do.
But how does this help? This person already feels like a failure, and you’re just reinforcing that.
Here is empowering language you can use, for yourself or someone else, in a tarot reading.
- Power is increasing in these areas____________ (list areas)
- Old patterns are being broken, and the new ones feel like this __________ (list qualities of the new energies coming in).
- These ___________ seem to be the limitations, but when countered, the opportunities look like __________(list those things out!).
- There have been high expectations, but better self-compassion leads you to feel like ____________ and opens the following for you __________ (list opportunities or spiritual energies that might be opening up).
Work on your language as a reader and as a seeker. And heck, while you’re at it, you might even draw three cards and fill in the above blanks for fun enlightenment. Because tarot isn’t about what you lack but where your abundance and brilliance lay and how it needs to be coaxed out.

Want a psychic AND supportive reading? You’re in luck because that’s my specialty!