The Empress symbolizes heart-centered abundance.
All things green come from the Empress. They are the spirit of growth, which comes out of the earth, body, and creative expression. If you’ve drawn this card, you’re asked to feed a new idea, birth an important project, or lead the way. Prosperity will follow.
A love of the planet and respect for nature also make the Empress a wonderful environmentalist. You might be called to work with the earth as an ecologist, activist, agriculturist, or steward of the land.
The Empress is sensual and physical; this card can signify the need to enjoy and care for your body. Indulging, sexing, eating well, and embracing pleasure are how the Empress shines.
The Empress also takes joy in creating. The gifts they share with the world impact their community and unite people in a shared vision. The Empress empowers others in a nurturing way, and as such, they make great leaders. They value connection.
Connected to Venus, the Empress appreciates beauty. They are a lover of the arts and all things aesthetically appealing. The Empress is the expression of the creative, loving spirit and heart.
Many think of the Empress as the pregnancy card. Through friendship and connection, you could start a family or create your chosen family.
When this card is drawn reversed, the Empress’s gifts are denied, unappreciated, or disrespected. You might deny your talents or feel like your efforts go unnoticed. Maybe you’re not calling in all of your creative or spiritual resources to help you move forward.
In love readings, this card’s reversal has an especially sexual twist. The relationship(s) is intensely sexual. This is great as long as that’s what you want the focus to be.
In career reading, the Empress can portend great growth, but when the card is drawn reversed, the spirit’s light is hidden. Doors close, and opportunities are blocked or ignored.
The Empress represents joy, potential, and connection. Embrace the energy of growth.
Tarot Spread
If you are drawn to the Empress and want to dig deeper, get them out of your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!