The Hierophant asks you to know what you believe in and value.
Join a spiritual tradition–or create your own. The important thing is to know your code.
In tradition, the Hierophant is a religious figure, acting as an intermediary between the Divine and the people. Think of this as the Pope, Shaman, or Elder.
You could be pursuing a holy path or connecting with a community that follows a set of core beliefs. This card can be a call to consider your spirituality and connect with like-minded people. Or, maybe it’s time to seek out a mentor who can help your path to the arcane unfold.
The Hierophant wants you to center around what is sacred. What do you value? What are your morals? Does your life revolve around those beliefs? This card can call you to reevaluate your ethics and rethink the framework that guides your decisions.
In a romantic or personal reading, the Hierophant’s tradition-centric values encourage you to consider the nature of the unions you seek and ask if they align with your needs, values, and vision.
The traditional Rider-Waite Smith deck shows the Hierophant as the Pope. So, this card can indicate a connection to Christian beliefs, or more formally, the Roman principles that Western Society was founded on.
These principles and systems are patriarchal. Our institutions and financial structures descend from a lineage of suppression. The Hierophant can be a call to rebel against the system. If the card is drawn reversed, this meaning is particularly emphasized.
The reversal of this card can also deal with extremes in other ways. You or someone close to you could be obsessed with religion, control, or power. When this holy card is inverted, there’s a cult-like feeling. Clinging too closely to your values and beliefs, you might lose touch with yourself or reality.
In a career reading, this card can signify working as clergy or as a priest/priestess. You might also be in a position to share sacred teachings and knowledge. Maybe you’re up for promotion; the Hierophant represents the one chosen for their wisdom!
Whatever way you spin it, The Hierophant asks you to know what you believe in and arrange your life accordingly. Belief is a powerful thing.
Tarot Spread
If you are drawn to the Fool and want to dig deeper, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!