Here we have the power of two.
Together or separate? That is the question.
Two faces and people offer us union. This togetherness–or–separateness– can apply to different facets of your life. You might be wondering if a new flame is the right match. The passion is there, but are they grounded, and do they share the same goals? So much of lasting love is practical. But maybe practical’s not your thing. It all depends on what you want.
Generally, this card bodes well for romance, although it can be a sweep-you-off-your-feet situation, which feels great until the fire burns out of control! Is someone love-bombing you? Is it a rollercoaster? Or are you finding solid footing and steady steps? The Lovers asks you to look at romance, past or present, and reflect on what’s healthy and toxic. Analyzing your needs and love paradigms can also ensure you love the right person(s).
The union of the Lovers can also represent combining different parts of your life or, alternatively, branching off.
In combining efforts, two areas or interests may be mutually beneficial. You might be juggling jobs or find yourself wearing different hats. In this case, duality offers a more complete picture of who you are. The Lovers might be asking you to bring together opposites or integrate passions.
As a card about branching off, the Lovers can show you at a turning point: you’re faced with a decision. What do you leave, what do you welcome, and how do you choose? Given this card’s proximity to passion, you’re more likely (and encouraged) to follow your heart. Look to surrounding cards to see if your ideal choice is solid or risky.
And with risk, that would also be more likely the case if the Lover’s card is reversed. In love, proceed with caution or not at all. Or, expect slow or backward movement.
A card reversal about choices, professional matters, or other inquiries could suggest turning your back on what you love, not making a decision or seeing your options, or needing to re-evaluate what matters to you.
The Lovers is a call to connect to healthy love, combine what’s helpful, or ditch what’s cumbersome. The duality of this card says you have a choice, and that desire is at the core of that choice. To best choose, know what you lust for and why.
Tarot Spread
If you are drawn to the Lovers and want to dig deeper, get this card out of your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!