The Sun card wants you to externalize your spirit, help your body thrive, and beam your light rays out into the world!
As you do this, seeds of all shapes and beings of all sizes grow under your brightness. Radiating your life force in the outermost way, you’ll reap the rewards of what flourishes in your light.
The Sun is happy. The Sun is life. Working with the Sun card reminds us that joy can be had through self-love, gratitude, and enjoying the simple things.
The Sun card suggests sunny prospects in all areas. You may be entering the golden age of your career, finding your life path unfold, or feeling more connected in your relationships.
The Sun card works in tandem with the Moon card. It can be helpful to examine those cards together. The Moon represents receptive energies, exploring our feelings and accessing the hidden realm. Moon is Shadow. In contrast, The Sun is action, propelled by the work done in shadowed spaces. The Sun represents bringing the inner world out.
The imagery in early or classic versions of the Sun card depicts a smiling infant boy with an adult head. How medieval! This suggests rebirth, or the mythos of the dying God, who is reborn in the Spring with the returning light. Like the flux of the seasons and the folklore of death and rebirth, the Sun represents the return of life and greenery. Your world is opening up, and you’re blooming in full view.
Regarding a timeline, this card could suggest spring or summer or an important event near the solstice.
The hearty, healthy vibe of the Sun can also translate into physical health. You might up your cardio or get more exercise. I have also seen this card pulled for bodybuilders or those in fitness-related professions.
When the Sun is reversed, your light is hidden, you feel unhappy, or you’re not flourishing as you’d like. Maybe you feel like no one’s seeing you. Take time to understand your feelings and why you have the perspective you do.
Reversed in a relationship reading, the Sun card can suggest that you’re dealing with a narcissist; they want all eyes on them. You might also be craving the spotlight in ways that isolate people from you.
The simple, expressive, and childlike feeling of this card can also suggest immaturity, most often when the card is reversed or appears with other cards that emphasize naiveness. You want someone to “grow up.”
The Sun is brightest when you give yourself permission to take up space. Do what makes you happy. See yourself as the biggest flower on the block. Radiate you.
If you are drawn to the Sun card and want to dig deeper, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!