This proverb speaks of the Wheel: If you don’t like how things are going, don’t worry. They’ll change.
And if you like how things are going, don’t worry. They’ll change.
Life is unpredictable. The idea that we can control it is preposterous–and yet we try. The problem is that when we hold life’s reins too tight, we miss the exciting curves and plot twists that could be our biggest adventure yet.
If you’re working with the Wheel, life’s flow takes you somewhere. Mastering this card’s message means surrendering to the tides of life, whether high or low. You don’t know how things will turn out or where they’ll lead–but you can trust yourself to pull through.
Often this card precipitates a positive change, and most likely an unexpected one. An opportunity falls in your lap. A financial windfall comes your way. A lover appears. A move you’ve been wanting happens.
The Wheel of Fortune encourages open-mindedness and receptivity to the world’s offerings. It can also encourage a more positive, welcoming mindset. Receiving gifts requires open arms.
This card suggests that karma is on the upswing after a difficult period. The light at the end of the tunnel is here (or on its way!).
The Wheel’s good side can also be its dark side: it’s unpredictable. The Wheel of Fortune could see you all over the place, distracted, or without a plan. Maybe you’re just disorganized. This is more likely the case if the card is drawn in reverse.
When upside down, the tumble-about energy of this card is intensified. Life seems to go backward, old issues or problems return, and luck ain’t on your side. But as is with the Wheel, what goes up must come down.
The Wheel of Fortune reversed can also indicate financial woes and bad choices. Gambling, money addictions, loss, or other troubles follow you (or someone else) and need clearing. The Wheel of Fortune reversed wants you to close out a difficult cycle and get the train back on the rails.
When drawn in a relationship reading, this card can herald either big love or wild rides. Are you on the journey of a lifetime or a merry-go-round with no end in sight?
In inquiries about someone else, note the other cards pulled to determine whether the hilly passes come with the package or if the ups and downs are just the butterflies of new love. If the card is reversed, the erratic energy surrounding the person is likely a fixed situation. The question becomes, “Is this wild ride the one I want to stay on?”
Whatever way you read it, the Wheel’s energy is that of change and movement, whether brought on by karma, fate, happenstance, or choice.
Tarot Spread
If you are drawn to the Wheel of Fortune and want to dig deeper, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!