The World

There’s a reason you’re here. You’ve got something no one else has. Are you channeling your own flavor of genius?

The World card wants you to live your dreams. What you bring to the world can have a larger impact, gifting the collective with new perspectives, creative works, and innovations.

The World card embodies the concept of Anima Mundi; the world soul. To be operating in Anima Mundi means experiencing life as an interconnected, living soul. All life shares an innate breath, pulse, and underlying essence. We are not separate.

And yet, we have our own light. To work with the World is to be one with the All while fully in your soul.

This micro and micro connection is by no means easy to achieve. On an energetic level, it requires great self-love and fierce dedication. Inner harmony is achieved through self-knowing. As you fully stand in your heart and soul, you find a way to move through life’s ups and downs.

This is living with mastery. You know that life is full of pain and beauty, and you take your experiences in stride without losing your center. To work with the World is to be one with flux.

Living in purpose and essence can also be subtle. You may not write the next bestseller, but what you share might grow a secret garden that, in turn, seeds countless others.

In a reading about career and finances, this card generally heralds success as long as you follow your calling. It helps to understand where your superpowers are needed.

In a relationship reading, this card can bode well, although I have seen it come up when someone is being idealized (or doing the idealizing). This is likely if several cards around it bring a smoke-and-mirrors vibe.

The larger-than-life feeling of the World card can also bring difficulty to a relationship. Your crush (or person) might be focused on their own destiny and push love aside. This is especially the case if the World card is reversed.

However, the harmony of the World can also bring balanced love. Look to surrounding cards to determine if the person in question is hyper-focused on their purpose or in flow with all of life’s goodness–including you.

When the World card is reversed, destiny may feel adrift and unreachable, or conversely, you might have met the mark only to feel unfulfilled. You might fail to see your success or experience burnout. Maybe a goal you pushed for hasn’t brought the happiness you thought it would. You might need to redirect your energy.

When harnessed well, the World card brings you into flow. You’re co-creating reality, in tune with the energies and life force as it moves in an endless spiral.



If you are drawn to the World card and want to dig deeper, get them out of your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!