This is temporary. Body? Temporary. Suffering? Temporary. Joy? It’s all fleeting and impermanent.
The good news is that life changes. The bad news is that life changes. And the weird news is the flow between them never ends.
Do you ever see yourself returning to memories, activities, situations, and patterns from the past as you make your way into the future?
The past, present, and future are lived simultaneously. Hence this:

If you’re struggling, remember it’s temporary. The body is temporary, but the spirit is infinite. I always think of the double helix in DNA 🧬 and the cosmos expanding and contracting. What a freaking mystery.
I’m working on this permanent/impermanent nature. I try and fully laugh and fully cry in whatever cycle I’m in.
I accept that whatever is happening isn’t just happening to me, but to the entire universe. We’re part of this thing that’s bigger than us. That is both wonderful and terrifying to think about.
The nature of Self is to explore the past, the present, and the future at once.
It looks like this:

The point in the center is the present. The present loops back toward the past; the left arc of the infinity represents movement into the past through reflection and memory. As one’s history is mined for meaning, it arches back towards the present with new information (the point in the infinity center). Then you are propelled into the future as you create Self and life with new awareness and ideas.
The infinity symbol looks solid, and yet its nature is impermanence. It is always moving. The tides of life are always flowing to and fro. Just recently I was reading a book that mentions this concept. (I didn’t even know this idea had a philosophical name, but it does). It’s called the “Growing Block Theory of time.” Check it: https://academic.oup.com/mind/article-abstract/128/510/527/4317403?redirectedFrom=fulltext
So, theories aside and inside, I ask: How can you hold space for the Spirit that is permanent, authentic, and true, while allowing for continual evolution? I’m still figuring it out myself, but here are some things to ask:
- The Center: Who are you at the core and what do you value? How are you making decisions to support this center?
- The Past: What has happened to make you who you are, for better or for worse? What have you learned from your experiences, old and new, about your center and authentic Self?
- The Future: How are you visualizing and creating Self presently and therefore in the future?