Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles brings all hands on deck for smooth sailing.

Other people’s skills can help you unify separate parts to create a complete whole; consider what can prosper when you expand your world.

This card most often speaks of gains made from collaborative business efforts. You could be in a start-up, building something from the ground up, or working closely with a team to create something innovative and prosperous.

If you’re not working with or consulting others, you might combine your unique skills in a way no one else has. Innovation leads to success.

In a relationship reading, the Three of Pentacles can mean others are involved or that you need to understand the working parts of the relationship.

Because this card is most often connected to career, you or your lover(s) may be wrapped up in work to the relationship’s detriment. I’ve also seen this card drawn when people consider relationships to be business transactions.

In Mary Greer’s book Tarot Reversals, she talks about this card as an initiation. You might join a secret order or access a magical place. I have found this to be true, as on occasion, this card has been pulled to show the questioner accessing the other side or traveling between dimensions. Magical doorways may be opening.

When drawn in reverse, this card suggests pausing or putting the breaks on collaborative efforts for the best results. Alternatively, you could be hiding away for fear of failure and connection. Look to surrounding cards and consider the context of the question and situation to know which meaning is correct.

In a love reading, this card reversed tends towards multiple players and deception. Work, planning, and domination can also prevent deeper and more authentic connection.

Most often, the Three of Pentacles is the spirit of earning through hard work, innovation, and alliance. Know what it is you’re after and unify abilities to make it real.


Tarot Spread

If you are drawn to the Three of Pentacles and want to dig deeper, get the card out of your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!