The Three of Swords represents grief and hardship.
If you’ve drawn the Three of Swords, you’re likely processing some heavy stuff or are ready to explore your wounds. You might be experiencing heartbreak, loss, or standing in the thick of life’s wilds and finding it hard to go through.
Life’s dramas and difficulties are real. There are always challenges and setbacks. Things don’t go as planned, and we can be hurt profoundly by people and situations outside of our control. The Three of Swords asks you to embrace self-compassion and to honor your grief.
Your timeline for healing is unique. The Three of Swords asks you to process your physical or emotional pain in a way that makes sense for you. Your life might slow down, commitments could fall away, or your priorities might shift. Center your life around your spirit’s needs.
Sometimes, this card is drawn when dishonesty is at play in the questioner’s life. Most often, the culprit is love and hidden affairs, but the troubles of this card can spill into career, family, or other areas. Listen to your gut and act accordingly.
When the Three of Swords is drawn reversed, you might deny your grief, avoid difficult truths, or fail to see what’s happening in the periphery. Alternatively, the card’s reversal could indicate despair so deep that you’re struggling to find a way out; therapy or other resources are needed.
The Three of Swords is one of our most challenging life lessons. It’s the reminder that life is often cruel but that our capacity for love, healing, and joy is profound. Living authentically requires space for both.
Tarot Spread
If you want to dig deeper into the Three of Swords, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!