When you grow you outgrow. As your branches extend higher and you create new buds and fruits, the decayed limbs fall off. As you stretch and extend, you find a deepening sense of You-ness. What is not you begins to fall away. Your soul knows where it needs to go: this is who you are, this is the space you are meant to move into.

Don’t be surprised if it hurts. In order to expand higher, the old needs to go. That’s why it’s called out-growing.
Branches snap off, decay, bend from the weight, and give into gravity. The earth waits for the tree’s outgrowth, ready to change death into nutrients. Whatever in your life is dying feeds your growth.
The process of growth is incredibly painful. It requires breaking, letting go. Growth requires action.
Growing requires accountability and enormous risk. You are asked to do what is uncomfortable and uncertain, to set new boundaries, to morph and to twist.
Don’t be surprised if you encounter resistance when you’re ready to grow. Your spirit wants to grow, but it fears the roots will not hold the weight of your extension. Don’t worry. They will.
Resistance will come in many forms. Inwardly, you’ll think you’re incapable. You’ll question your motives and your abilities. You’ll also be tasked with extra work, spiritually and materially. The new living space won’t appear out of thin air. Neither will the job or new direction. You have to reach towards the sun in order to receive its light. The universe asks you to step up.

Socially, your new growth means new boundaries are set, and new bounds explored. Friends, family members, colleagues, and others you interact will notice your new expectations and boundaries. There is a recognition that your world has shifted. You are likely to receive pushback from others as you initiate these changes.
New bounds will beg exploration as old bounds haunt you: new people, new interests, new methods for existing and exploring and discovering will require you to leave the ghosts of your old home and get cozy in new digs. It’s always awkward being the new kid on the block.

As I said, growth is not easy.
Growth is the process of life, death, and rebirth. This cycle is eternal. All of the cosmos seeks to answer this riddle. I wish I had the answer. All I have are questions, but is this not where it begins?
Ask what is difficult to ask and answer. If it’s hard, you’ve likely hit the spot where growth begins.
A Reading for Growth.
I have a tarot spread for you to help you extend your branches!
You can use tarot, oracle cards, or simply a pen and paper to reflect on the below questions.
Before beginning, take a moment to meditate. Imagine yourself as a tree or plant, perhaps choosing a favorite of yours. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and ask for guidance on what is needed for your growth right now.
Open your eyes, shuffle your cards, ready your journal, and begin <3

Lay the cards out vertically, horizontally, or in any way that makes sense to you.
Card / Reflection 1: What must I allow to decay and fade?
Card / Reflection 2: What new shoots of growth must I follow?
Card / Reflection 3: How can they grow into something profound?