Using Tarot for Financial Advice

I took out my newest deck, the Tarot of Tales, and drew some cards about what’s on Tarot’s mind.

And it was clear: Tarot wanted to talk about money.

So here’s the deal on money for the honeys (that’s you!), and how tarot talks when you ask questions about financial matters.

The question posed:
How can I improve my financial situation?

(This is a sample reading, but you might also find some clues for yourself up in here!). 

Cards drawn: The Eight and Two of Coins
From the Tarot of Tales

🌱 Message 1: Security is built over time.

This forest holds old growth. In the Eight of Coins, Tarot shows redwood trees, which can live up t0 2,000 years. This is annoying but true for most of us message: Tarot says that nothing is built overnight. Financial stability takes time, so give yourself some love and be patient as you set your eyes on the long game.

Tarot’s approach: It points out the bigger picture.

🌱 Message 2: Know your niche and your skills.

This bear knows it belongs in the forest. Sometimes, we turn to things that we think will bring us money, only to find ourselves somewhere we don’t belong. Then, we end up lacking motivation to excel because we’re miserable. Like a bear in the woods, you need to know your niche and understand the environments you thrive in.

Tarot’s approach: Know who you are. 

🌱 Message 3: Growth requires expansion.

Now we get to some practical nuts and bolts wisdom. The traditional meaning of the Eight of Coins relates to skills, training, and time. The message here is to consider expanding your skills. You could take some new classes, return to school, or craft something with patience and care – which could be a physical product, but could relate to the long game and the need for patience.

The Two of Coins is about balance and expansion. Often this card asks us to bring in something new (like the little plant) while holding down the life you know (the redwoods).

I hate that I am saying this, but these are uncertain times. I have friends who hold federal positions and go to work every day, wondering if they will still have a job and for how long. They are starting side-hustles and taking online classes so that if they axe falls, they have a new ecosystem that they’ve already started building.

Tarot’s approach: Adaptability is essential. 

There you have it. Tarot always has advice! Even for something as delicate as finances. Look to the visual clues and the card’s meanings when reading on financial matters.

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